
A window function allows a user to append aggregates and other values to rows in a dataframe without losing columns that aren't involved in the aggregates.

Motivating Example

Suppose you have a transactions dataset with each transaction a customer has made, and you want to compute the average_spend for each customer and append it to each transaction. To do this using joins, you would need to perform a group by to get the averages and then join back to the original table:

1 2 3 4 5 6 averages = transactions\ .groupBy('customer')\ .agg( F.avg('spend').alias('average_spend') ) transactions = transactions.join(averages, ['customer'], 'left_outer')

If you wanted to get the maximum spend, this logic becomes even more complex, as you now have to compute the maximum instead of the average and then join back onto the maximum:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 maximums = transactions\ .groupBy('customer')\ .max( F.avg('spend').alias('max_spend') ) transactions = transactions\ .join( averages, (transactions.customer == maximums.customer) &\ (transactions.spend == maximums.max_spend), 'left_outer' ).drop(maximums.customer)

Window functions, however, allow you to simplify this code by first defining a window and then computing aggregates "over" the window:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 from pyspark.sql.window import Window window = Window()\ .partitionBy('customer')\ .orderBy('spend') transactions = transactions\ .withColumn('average_spend', F.avg('spend').over(window)) .withColumn('max_spend', F.max('spend').over(window))

In addition, there are several functions that may only be used with windows. These are known as Window Functions and are described in the next section.

Window Functions


lag(col, count=1, default=None)

lead(col, count=1, default=None)





window(timeColumn, windowDuration, slideDuration=None, startTime=None)