Advanced configuration

This section describes how advanced configuration options can be used in Java transforms.

Maximum build duration

It may be desirable to limit the run duration of a job to ensure data freshness or to limit costs. For example, if a job is interacting with an external service and becomes unresponsive, it is useful to have a limit on its run duration, as it may not complete. In Code Repositories, you can limit job duration by using the MaxAllowedDuration and Compute decorators, as shown below:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 package myproject.datasets; import*; import java.time.Duration; import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Row; public final class FilterTransform { @MaxAllowedDuration(value = "PT2H") @Compute public void myComputeFunction( @Input("/examples/students_hair_eye_color") FoundryInput myInput, @Output("/examples/students_hair_eye_color_filtered") FoundryOutput myOutput) { Dataset<Row> inputDf = myInput.asDataFrame().read(); myOutput.getDataFrameWriter(inputDf.filter("eye = 'Brown'")).write(); } }