Parameters for the Palantir Foundry Connector 2.0 for SAP Applications

Connector parameters

The following parameters control the Palantir Foundry Connector 2.0 for SAP Applications ("Connector"):

The default parameter values listed below are for a fresh install of the latest connector version.

Param IdParam NamePossible ValuesDefault ValueDescription
BEXENGINEAlphanumericV2A new BEx Query Engine has been introduced, which brings performance improvements and additional support for query elements such as display attributes. It is not enabled by default but can be turned on by setting this parameter to V3.
BEXPAGING_MEMBER_LIMITNumeric100Paging for BEx queries is supported via filters. The Connector automatically generates separate filters for each page. This means large BEx queries can be run without having to split the sync manually. Filter generation is based on InfoObjects in the rows of the BEx query. If the posted InfoObject IDs are not higher than the threshold value, the InfoObject is used in filter generation; otherwise, it is discarded. Later, the BEx query is run for each filter separately to extract all BEx query data. By default, paging functionality is not enabled. The Connector uses a threshold to prevent unnecessary dimensions being used as filter candidates. If the posted value for an InfoObject is more than PAGING_MEMBER_LIMIT, it is considered too fine-grained and discarded for filter generation.
BEXRANGESIZENumeric1000While generating filters, if any InfoObject has many values and member limitation is not applied, this parameter will control the filter list for each page.
BEXSHOW_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTESTRUE / FALSEFALSETo enable display attributes, the BEx Query Engine will need to be set to V3. Display attributes can be enabled system-wide (by maintaining this parameter) or at the individual sync level (in Foundry).
BEXTEXTTRUE / FALSE / BEXBEXIf this parameter is set to TRUE, Key and Text of the characteristic / key figure will be concatenated as column name. If this parameter is set to FALSE, the only Key of the characteristic / key figure will be column name. If this parameter is set to BEX, the Query parameter will be used to define column names.
EXTACTORDEFAULT_CONFIGURATIONAlphanumericNoneExtractors support multiple contexts. This parameter can be used to set the default context. By doing so, there is no need to set a context on Foundry syncs as the Connector will use the default context in these cases. Leaving this parameter as "None" means that the extractor will run on the local application server, not a remote context, by default.
EXTRACTORDEBUG_MODETRUE / FALSEFALSEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, an infinite loop will start in the background job which ingests data and writes as pages.
EXTRACTOREXT_DATA_<dataType>NumericN/AIf the output length of an ABAP datatype is incorrect, this parameter can be used to change the data length of that data type. In the Parameter Name field, <dataType> refers to the ABAP data type for which the length should be changed.
EXTRACTOREXT_DTYPE_<dataType>ABAP Data TypesN/AIf a data type cannot be recognized by Foundry, this parameter can be used to change the data type to another type. In the Parameter Name field, <dataType> refers to the data type that needs to be changed.
EXTRACTORFETCH_OPTIONXML / DIRECTXMLThis parameter indicates whether to use fetch method XML or DIRECT. The XML fetch method is fast since it fetches data in a compressed format. The DIRECT fetch method is slower since it fetches data as a string and processes each row individually. The DIRECT fetch method should only be used if there is an error with the XML fetch method due to special characters in the data.
EXTRACTORMAX_ROWS_PER_SYNCNumericN/AIf this parameter is set, it will be taken into account only for syncs with the APPEND transaction type. Each sync will stop when it has ingested MAX_ROWS_PER_SYNC rows of data.
EXTRACTORRFC_CONFIGURATIONNONEThis parameter indicates the RFC name of the remote server. If this parameter is not set, or set to blank, the RFC configuration will be set to "NONE".
EXTRACTORTIMESTAMPON / OFFOFFWhen this parameter is set to ON, the data will include a timestamp showing when the data was fetched and a row order number. This information can be used to deduplicate data later in the pipeline if required.
EXTRACTORTRACE_BEFORE_FETCHTRUE / FALSEFALSEBy default, running a trace for extractors also includes the replication (calculation, initial data transfer and replication object generation), which sometimes takes longer than the limit on a trace. By setting this property to TRUE, the trace will start before the extractor fetch operation, bringing more clarity to trace results.
INCREMENTALRANGESIZENumeric900(Internal Parameter) This parameter is used for CDPOS, CDHDR and TWIN incremental types for Table and RemoteTable objects. This parameter indicates how many conditions can exist in the nested range table to ingest data.
INFOPROVIDERREAD_OPEN_REQUESTTRUE / FALSETRUEThis parameter is used to toggle between reading either green-only request or all requests (green and yellow) in an InfoProvider. The default behavior is to read all requests.
JSONCONVERT_RAW_TO_STRINGTRUE / FALSETRUEIf this parameter is set to FALSE, then JSON conversion is disabled while saving Page data. If the parameter is TRUE, data will be converted from Xstring to String.
JSONNUMC_KEEPZEROTRUE / FALSEFALSEPrior to SP23, leading zeros in NUMC type fields were removed when non-kernel-based JSON conversion is used. Setting this parameter to TRUE will ensure leading zeros are kept, inline with the behavior for kernel-based JSON conversion. The default setting is FALSE to ensure backward compatibility with existing pipelines.
JSONREMOVE_EXTENDEDTRUE / FALSEFALSEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, non-printable ASCII codes (char code 128 to 255) are removed from the data before extraction.
JSONREMOVE_NONPRINTTRUE / FALSETRUEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, non-printable characters are removed from the data before extraction.
LOGGERDBTRUE / FALSETRUEThis parameter is used to control whether logs are saved to the connector’s own logging tables or not.
LOGGERPAGEREAD_COMMITTRUE / FALSEFALSEBy default, page read log messages are only sent to Foundry and not stored in the database.
LOGGERSLGTRUE / FALSEFALSEThis parameter is used to create log entries in SAP SLG logging.
LOGGERSLG_EXPIRYNumeric30SLG_EXPIRY can be set in days; if it is not set, standard SAP SLG expiration policy applies.
LOGGERSLG_KEEPTRUE / FALSEFALSESLG_KEEP is used to prevent logs being deleted in SLG before expiration.
LOGGERTRACE_LEVELINFO/WARN/ERRORWARNThis parameter controls which type of log messages will be saved to the database and returned to Foundry. Trace log levels are as follows: ERROR – Only log messages with type E-Error; WARN – Only log messages with type W-Warning, I-Information, E-Error, T-Trace; INFO – All log messages (S-Success, W-Warning, I-Information, E-Error, T-Trace)
NAMESPACETIMESTAMPTRUE / FALSETRUEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, timestamp and row no fields will be named /PALANTIR/TIMESTAMP and /PALANTIR/ROWNO (which is now the default) instead of ZPAL_TIMESTAMP and ZPAL_ROWNO (which was the naming convention in earlier versions).
PAGEMIN_PAGESIZENumeric5000This parameter sets the minimum row count of a page while writing data in pages. If a user specifies a page size lower than this in Foundry, it will be disregarded and this minimum used instead. This is to protect against poor performance with very small page sizes.
PAGEPAGESIZENumeric10000This parameter sets the default row count of a page while writing data in pages. If a user does not specify a page size parameter in Foundry, this value will be used.
REMOTEBEXENGINEAlphanumericV2A new BEx Query Engine is introduced which brings performance improvements and additional support for query elements such as display attributes. It is not enabled by default but can be turned on by setting this parameter to V3.
REMOTEBEXPAGING_MEMBER_LIMITNumeric100Paging for BEx queries is supported via filters. The Connector automatically generates separate filters for each page. This means large BEx queries can be run without having to split the sync manually. Filter generation is based on InfoObjects in the rows of the BEx query. If the posted InfoObject IDs are not higher than the threshold value, the InfoObject is used in filter generation; otherwise, it is discarded. Later, the BEx query is run for each filter separately to extract all BEx query data. By default, paging functionality is not enabled. The Connector uses a threshold to prevent unnecessary dimensions being used as filter candidates. Therefore if the posted value for an InfoObject is more than PAGING_MEMBER_LIMIT, it is considered too fine-grained and therefore discarded for filter generation.
REMOTEBEXRANGESIZENumeric1000While generating filters, if any InfoObject has many values and member limitation is not applied, this parameter will control the filter list for each page.
REMOTEBEXTEXTTRUE / FALSE / BEXBEXIf this parameter is set to TRUE, Key and Text of the characteristic / key figure will be concatenated as column name. If this parameter is set to FALSE, the only Key of the characteristic / key figure will be column name. If this parameter is set to BEX, the Query parameter will be used to define column names.
REMOTEINFOPROVIDERREAD_OPEN_REQUESTTRUE / FALSETRUEThis parameter is used to toggle between reading either green-only request or all requests (green and yellow) in an InfoProvider. The default behavior is to read all requests.
REMOTETABLEPARALLELTRUE / FALSEFALSEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, syncs will run in parallel processing mode.
REMOTETABLEPARALLEL_JOBNumeric5If PARALLEL is TRUE and the number of parallel jobs to use is not defined at a data sync level, the value of this parameter will be used as a system-wide default.
REMOTETABLEPARALLEL_PAGE_LIMITNumeric50000If there are fewer rows in the result set than this value, parallel processing will not be used.
REMOTETABLEROWCOUNT_BY_TABCLASSTRUE / FALSEFALSEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, for cluster tables the row count returned by the system will be for the individual table; if it is FALSE (the default) the row count will be for the total cluster.
RETRYCOUNTNumeric1This parameter indicates the maximum number of times the sync will be retried if system resource checks fail.
RETRYDELAYNumeric5If system resource checks fail, this parameter indicates how long (in seconds) to wait before checking the resources again.
SLTCONTEXT_BASED_AUTHORIZATIONTRUE / FALSEFALSEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, authorization checks will be run against the SLT context based on authorization object /PALAU/SCN.
SLTCONTEXT_CONFIGURATIONN/AThis parameter can be used to set a system-wide default context name, to be used in the event no context is sent from Foundry.
SLTFETCH_OPTIONXML / DIRECTXMLThis parameter indicates whether to use fetch method XML or DIRECT. The XML fetch method is fast since it fetches data in a compressed format. The DIRECT fetch method is slower since it fetches data as a string and processes each row individually. The DIRECT fetch method should only be used if there is an error with the XML fetch method due to special characters in the data.
SLTMAX_ROWS_PER_SYNCNumericN/AIf this parameter is set, it will be taken into account only for syncs with the APPEND transaction type. Each sync will stop when it has ingested MAX_ROWS_PER_SYNC rows of data.
SLTPARALLELTRUE / FALSEFALSEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, syncs will run in parallel processing mode.
SLTPARALLEL_JOBNumeric3If PARALLEL is TRUE and the number of parallel jobs to use is not defined at a data sync level, the value of this parameter will be used as a system-wide default.
SLTPARALLEL_PAGE_LIMITNumeric50000If there are fewer rows in the result set than this value, parallel processing will not be used.
SLTQUEUETRUE / FALSEFALSEA new approach has been introduced for SLT work process handling. By default, the Connector uses a BTC (background) process to fetch from SLT. If multiple syncs are running, a BTC process is used for each. Set this parameter to TRUE to use a single BTC process to wait for multiple initial loads from SLT. Once the data packages reach SLT, Foundry processes are started. This improves BTC resource efficiency.
SLTREMOTEAGENT_<contextName>N/AIf the SLT server and Connector are on different servers, this parameter should be defined. In Parameter Name, <contextName> indicates the SLT context name. For Parameter Value, the RFC destination should be defined to point to the source system of the SLT context.
SLTRFC_CONFIGURATIONNONEThis parameter indicates the RFC name of the remote server. If this parameter is not set, or set to blank, the RFC configuration will be set to "NONE".
SLTSLT_DATA_<dataType>NumericN/AIf the output length of an ABAP datatype is incorrect, this parameter can be used to change the data length of that data type. In the Parameter Name field, <dataType> refers to the ABAP data type for which the length should be changed.
SLTSLT_DTYPE_<dataType>ABAP Data TypesN/AIf a data type cannot be recognized by Foundry, this parameter can be used to change the data type to another type. In the Parameter Name field, <dataType> refers to the data type that needs to be changed.
SLTTIMESTAMPON / OFFOFFWhen this parameter is set to ON, the data will include a timestamp showing when the data was fetched and a row order number. This information can be used to deduplicate data later in the pipeline if required.
SLTTRACE_BEFORE_FETCHTRUE / FALSEFALSEBy default, running a trace for SLT also includes the replication (calculation, initial data transfer and replication object generation), which sometimes takes longer than the limit on a trace. By setting this property to TRUE, the trace will start before the SLT fetch operation, bringing more clarity to trace results.
SYSTEMABORT_RETRY_COUNTNumeric10This parameter defines the number of attempts that will be made to abort the job when a transaction is closed.
SYSTEMAUTH_CHECK_SOURCETABLE / PFCGPFCGUsed to configure custom authorizations.
SYSTEMAUTH_GET_LISTTRUE / FALSEFALSEThis parameter is used to enable or disable authorization checks for the list of values for object types.
SYSTEMCONTEXT_VALIDITY_CHECKTRUE / FALSETRUEIf this parameter is set to FALSE, SLT and Remote Agent contexts will not be eliminated from the list returned to Foundry, even if they are not valid contexts.
SYSTEMCONTINUOUS_RESOURCE_CHECKTRUE / FALSETRUEEnables resource checks for all requests (init and all paging requests). If FALSE, resource checks are only carried out for the init request.
SYSTEMCPU_CHECKTRUE / FALSETRUEEnables or disables CPU checks.
SYSTEMDYNAMIC_TABLEV1 / V2V1This parameter can be used to address an issue seen in CL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE=>CREATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE, which hits the dynamic table limits. To enable new dynamic table routines, set this parameter to V2.
SYSTEMERP_SOURCE_INFOTRUE / FALSETRUEUsed to define whether or not ERP source information will be returned to Foundry with the list of contexts.
SYSTEMFAILED_AUTH_MAX_COUNTNumeric200This parameter is used to limit failed authorization check messages from SU53. There could be cases where too many error messages are generated in the SAP system, which may potentially affect the extraction process.
SYSTEMFILTER_DECODETRUE / FALSEFALSESet to TRUE to enable non-Unicode filters.
SYSTEMINFOPROVIDER_AUTH_CHECKTRUE / FALSEFALSEWhen set to TRUE, the connector will check authorizations for the user for authorization-relevant InfoObjects. This avoids authorization errors. SAP APIs are used to generate filters based on row-level authorization.
SYSTEMKILL_HANGING_JOBTRUE / FALSEFALSEIf set to TRUE, the Connector will checks paging requests from Foundry and if there are no more page read requests after a certain period, the paging job is cancelled.
SYSTEMKILL_HANGING_JOB_THRESHOLDNumeric1800If KILL_HANGING_JOB is set to TRUE, this parameter defines the number of seconds to wait before a job is considered to be hanging.
SYSTEMMEMORY_CHECKTRUE / FALSETRUEEnables or disables memory checks.
SYSTEMMEMORY_CHECK_SOURCEST06 / ST02ST06This parameter determines whether the memory consumption value used for resource checks will be retrieved from the ST02 transaction code or ST06 transaction code in SAP.
SYSTEMPROCESS_CHECKTRUE / FALSETRUEEnables checks on the minimum number of permitted work processes; works in conjunction with PROCESS_MIN_BG and PROCESS_MIN_DIA.
SYSTEMRESOURCE_CHECKTRUE / FALSETRUEEnables or disables resource checks. If FALSE, all checks are disabled; if TRUE, other parameters (CPU_CHECK and MEMORY_CHECK) are checked.
SYSTEMRESOURCE_CHECK_SERVERLOCAL / ALLALLALL: Check all application servers and return true if any of them has available resources. Starting first from the local server that is processing the current request. LOCAL: Check only the local server and return TRUE / FALSE based on availability.
SYSTEMSERVICE_ENCODINGAlphanumericUsed to enable charset support for non-Unicode NetWeaver 7.4 installations.
SYSTEM_THRESHOLDCPU_LOADNumeric80If current system CPU load is higher than this value, the sync will be aborted.
SYSTEM_THRESHOLDCPU_USERNumeric80If current system CPU user load is higher than this value, the sync will be aborted.
SYSTEM_THRESHOLDMEMORY_FREENumeric5If available memory (%) of the current system is less than this minimum, the sync will be aborted.
SYSTEM_THRESHOLDPROCESS_MIN_BGNumeric1Minimum required number of background process available on the SAP Application Server for the sync to proceed.
SYSTEM_THRESHOLDPROCESS_MIN_DIANumeric1Minimum required number of dialog process available on the SAP Application Server for the sync to proceed.
TABLEPARALLELTRUE / FALSEFALSEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, syncs will run in parallel processing mode.
TABLEPARALLEL_JOBNumeric5If PARALLEL is TRUE and the number of parallel jobs to use is not defined at a data sync level, the value of this parameter will be used as a system-wide default.
TABLEPARALLEL_PAGE_LIMITNumeric50000If there are fewer rows in the result set than this value, parallel processing will not be used.
TABLEROWCOUNT_BY_TABCLASSTRUE / FALSEFALSEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, for cluster tables the row count returned by the system will be for the individual table; if it is FALSE (the default) the row count will be for the total cluster.
TCODEDEBUG_MODETRUE / FALSEFALSEIf this parameter is set to TRUE, an infinite loop will start in the background job which ingests data and writes as pages.
TRACEDURATION_LIMITNumeric30If a sync is running with trace functionality and this limit (in minutes) is reached, then trace will be turned off automatically (to avoid system short dumps).
TRACEMAX_SESSIONNumeric10The default maximum number of sessions per sync for a trace session is 10 but can be modified using this parameter. This is primarily intended for parallel extractions to prevent trace files being generated for every parallel job.
TSVCHARLISTAlphanumericN/AThis parameter controls extraction from non-Unicode 4.6C/620/640 systems. Fixed dictionary characters are used by default but this dictionary can be extended using this parameter to add missing characters.
TSVESCAPEMODEAUTO / HEX / HEX_ZIPPED / CHAR_COMPARECHAR_COMPAREThis parameter controls extraction from non-Unicode 4.6C/620/640 systems. There is a fixed algorithm for character escaping, which can be changed using this parameter.