The Recipes application is no longer being updated and will be sunsetted. Its use is discouraged. We recommend exploring other applications and features to monitor conditions in Foundry:
Automations: Create automations that run on top of your data and track individual searches and objects, triggering notifications or other actions when certain conditions are met.
Foundry Rules: Create logic-based rules to apply to datasets, objects, and time series that trigger alerts when certain conditions are met.
Monitoring at scale: Use check groups or monitoring views to view metric updates of Foundry resources, including datasets, agents, schedules, objects, and link types.
Workshop: Build an alert inbox or other notification workflow to configure actions that will trigger when certain conditions are met.
Contact Palantir support if you have questions regarding the appropriate workflows to implement for your monitoring use case.
All recipes can be viewed from the Recipes Management page in the Recipes application. Access the Recipes application from the Foundry navigation sidebar.
Recipes are searchable via the search bar.
The Your recipes tab of the Recipes application includes all recipes you have created or of which you are a recipient.