Show and hide nodes

To help manage large pipelines efficiently, users can focus on pipeline subsections by showing and hiding nodes. This allows quicker identification of pipeline segments and an improved navigation and editing experience.

Manually select nodes in the graph view or use Drag select mode by choosing the area select icon in the top left.

The area select icon in Pipeline Builder.

After you select the relevant nodes, right click and choose Hide nodes. This will give you the option to Hide selected nodes or Hide other nodes, which will hide all nodes that were not selected.

An example of selected teal nodes to be hidden in a pipeline.

A dotted line appears between nodes that are connected by hidden nodes, and the connected circle icon changes from filled to partially filled to indicate hidden nodes as shown in the graph below:

An example of hidden nodes in a pipeline.

The graph below only shows teal nodes after all other nodes are hidden:

An example of a pipeline where only teal nodes are shown.

Show and hide color groups

You can hide a color group, or hide all other color groups to simplify the graph view. To hide a color group, go to the color Legend and select the eye icon next to your chosen color.

An example of a color legend and the eye icon.

Choose Hide this color to only hide the selected color group, or Hide other colors to hide all other color groups.

The color legend showing hide this color or hide other colors.

When a color group is hidden, a dotted line will appear between connected nodes to inform the user of hidden nodes. To see the number of hidden input nodes feeding into a node, select the left arrow followed by Show node inputs on a selected node. The number next to Show node inputs is the number of hidden inputs.

The Show node inputs pop-up.

Select Show x hidden nodes under the Legend to show all hidden nodes. X is the total hidden node count. The color legend displays the number of nodes in each color group and whether it is hidden.

The button below the color legend shows the number of hidden nodes.

Show and hide nodes in other tabs

You can also show and hide nodes in the Proposals tab under Changes. Select the Legend to display color groups, and show or hide them using the same methods described above.

Show hide functionality in the Changes view

You can also show and hide nodes in the Resolve changes tab when there are merge conflicts.

Show hide functionality in the Resolve changes view