Reads a dataset of files and parses each GeoJSON file into rows. The output dataset will have a geometry column, and a column for each property listed by the user, apart from the _error and _file columns. If the user provides no properties to extract, the entire properties struct will be extracted into a properties column as a string. All GeoJSONs in the files must either be:
a) multiline FeatureCollection: an entire file with one GeoJSON of type FeatureCollection
b) single-line Feature: a file where every line is a fully valid GeoJSON of type Feature.
Transform categories: File, Geospatial
Declared arguments
Dataset - Dataset of GeoJSON files to process. Files
List of properties - List of properties and their types that need to be extracted from these GeoJSON files. If an empty struct is provided, extracts all 'properties' in one properties column as a string. Type<Struct>
Multiline - If every line in each file is a fully valid GeoJSON of type Feature, set this to false. If the entire file is a valid GeoJSON of type FeatureCollection, set this to true. Literal<Boolean>
optionalSource coordinate system - Coordinate system identifier formatted as "authority". For example, UTM zone 18N could be identified by EPSG:32618. If not specified, will default to WGS84 which is EPSG:4326. Literal<String>