Supported in: Batch
Formats a number to a specific number of decimal places.
Expression categories: Cast, Numeric, String
Output type: String
Description: Formats a number to 2 decimal places. Argument values:
Output: 1,234.57
Description: Formats a float number to 1 decimal place. Argument values:
Output: 1,234.6
Description: Formats an integer number with no decimal places. Argument values:
Output: 1,234.00
Description: Formats a large number to 2 decimal places. Argument values:
Output: 123,456,789.12
Description: Formats a number with no decimal places. Argument values:
Output: 1,235
Description: Handles null input. Argument values:
Description: Formats a number to 50 decimal places. Argument values:
Output: 1,234.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000