Chunk string

Supported in: Batch

Chunk string into chunks of a specified size and on specified separators.

Expression categories: String

Declared arguments

  • Expression - The column containing the document text to chunk.
  • optional Chunk overlap - Allow chunks to overlap in content by around this number. Must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the selected chunk size.
  • optional Chunk size - Create chunks of size around this number. Must be greater than 0.
  • optional Keep separator - Include the separator in the output chunks.
  • optional Separators - Chunk string on these provided separators. The default separators has the effect of trying to keep all paragraphs, and then sentences, and then words together for as long as possible.

Output type: Array<String>


Example 1: Base case

Argument values:

  • Expression: string
  • Chunk overlap: null
  • Chunk size: 10
  • Keep separator: null
  • Separators: null
hello[ hello ]
hello world. the quick brown fox jumps over the fence.[ hello, world., the quick, brown fox, jumps, over the, fence. ]
hello world.
the quick brown fox
jumps over the fence.
[ hello, world., the quick, brown fox, jumps, over the, fence. ]
hello world.
the quick brown fox
jumps over the fence.
[ hello, world., the quick, brown fox, jumps, over the, fence. ]

Example 2: Base case

Argument values:

  • Expression: A quick-brown-fox-jumps over the lazy dog
  • Chunk overlap: null
  • Chunk size: 10
  • Keep separator: false
  • Separators: [

    , ]

Output: [ A, quick-brown-fox-jumps, over the, lazy dog ]

Example 3: Base case

Argument values:

  • Expression: A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
  • Chunk overlap: 5
  • Chunk size: 10
  • Keep separator: null
  • Separators: null

Output: [ A quick, brown fox, fox jumps, over the, the lazy, lazy dog ]

Example 4: Base case

Argument values:

  • Expression: Text1|Text2||Text3
  • Chunk overlap: null
  • Chunk size: 10
  • Keep separator: false
  • Separators: [||, |]

Output: [ Text1, Text2, Text3 ]

Example 5: Base case

Argument values:

  • Expression: Text1|Text2||Text3
  • Chunk overlap: null
  • Chunk size: 10
  • Keep separator: null
  • Separators: [||, |]

Output: [ Text1, |Text2, ||Text3 ]

Example 6: Base case

Argument values:

  • Expression: Text1, Text2

  • Chunk overlap: null
  • Chunk size: 256
  • Keep separator: null
  • Separators: null

Output: [ Text1, Text2

Text4 ]

Example 7: Base case

Argument values:

  • Expression: Text1 Text2

  • Chunk overlap: null
  • Chunk size: 10
  • Keep separator: null
  • Separators: null

Output: [ Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4 ]