Returns the element at a given position from the input array. Positions outside of the array will return null.
Expression categories: Array
Declared arguments
Array - Array from which to extract element. Expression<Array<T>>
Position - Position of element to extract from array. First element is at position 1. If position is negative, accesses elements from last to first (example: -1 will return last element). Expression<Integer>
Type variable bounds:T accepts AnyType
Output type:T
Example 1: Base case
Argument values:
Array: [ 10, 11, 12 ]
Position: 1
Output: 10
Example 2: Null case
Description: Output null if position greater than array length.
Argument values:
Array: [ 1, 2, 4 ]
Position: 10
Example 3: Null case
Description: Index array from the end using negative index.
Argument values: