
The Linter application is broken down into different modes. Each mode has a specific objective and a subset of rules.

Resource Savings

The Resource Savings mode provides recommendations to reduce infrastructure costs while delivering the expected organizational outcomes. For example, removing computation or storage of resources that are not actively delivering an outcome could lead to extensive resource savings. As Foundry and its range of capabilities evolves, new recommendations may appear.

Pipeline Resilience

The Pipeline Resilience mode produces recommendations to increase the stability of workflows and pipelines built in Foundry. These recommendations can lead to maximum pipeline resilience and stability, along with debugging functionality. We recommend using the Pipeline Resilience mode to review pipelines that back critical workflows.

Ontology Optimization

The Ontology Optimization mode helps you to minimize Ontology storage and index times. By following recommendations in this mode, you can efficiently hydrate your Ontology with active and up-to-date entities. Optimizing your Ontology will lead to easier user interaction and reduced storage costs when unused objects are no longer indexed into object storage databases.