Integrating geotemporal series with the Ontology

Setting up a geotemporal series in your Ontology requires creating a geotemporal series object type that references an individual series in a geotemporal series sync with a geotemporal series reference property. These object types will enable analysis and visualization within Foundry applications.

An overview diagram of the geotemporal series process.

A geotemporal series object type is configured in Pipeline Builder using the geotemporal series output type and the object output type.

Follow the instructions below to enable Pipeline Builder's advanced geotemporal series features and add a geotemporal series sync output as a reference to a geotemporal series object type:

  1. Navigate to your pipeline in Pipeline Builder.
  2. Select Settings > Pipeline feature flags... from the top ribbon.
  3. Ensure that Enable advanced geotemporal series features is set to Enabled before you close out of the Pipeline feature flags window.

The Pipeline feature flags window is displayed, where a user can enable advanced geotemporal series features.

  1. Navigate back to your pipeline's graph and edit your object output that contains a geotemporal series reference (GTSR) property type.

Edit object type target.

  1. Select the link icon to configure your GTSR property type as a Geotemporal series > From this pipeline > Geotemporal Series Sync Output.

Create a geotemporal series referece property.

  1. Save your changes by selecting the green arrow icon in the top ribbon.