CSV parsing

Foundry supports CSV datasets. These are datasets that contain files in the CSV format.

The CSV format can use different delimiters, quote characters, and escape characters. To manage this, you can define parameters that control how CSV files are parsed. These parameters are stored in the schema of a dataset. Foundry will use inference to suggest a sensible set of parameters for a given dataset, but results should be validated and changes made if necessary.

Parsing in Foundry

Foundry CSV datasets will generally have the TextDataFrameReader defined as their dataFrameReaderClass in the schema. This supports a set of custom parameters that can help deal with messy data effectively. At execution time, this delegates to the Spark CSV DataFrameReader ↗ for the best possible performance and reliability.


In Foundry, you can view the schema on any dataset in the Dataset Preview application by navigating to the Details tab and selecting Schema. For more details on the schema, see the Dataset documentation.

CSV schemas can be manipulated in the Edit Schema UI, available from Dataset Preview when viewing the preview tab. This will help visualize the options available and how they affect the output dataset. In cases where CSVs are particularly malformed, you may need to manually edit the schema to get the desired output.

TextDataFrameReader options

To manually configure the TextDataFrameReader options in the schema, you can navigate to the schema page in the Details tab of Dataset Preview and select Edit. At the bottom of the schema, there should be a section as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 "dataFrameReaderClass": "com.palantir.foundry.spark.input.TextDataFrameReader", "customMetadata": { "textParserParams": { "parser": "CSV_PARSER", "charsetName": "UTF-8", "fieldDelimiter": ",", "recordDelimiter": "\n", "quoteCharacter": "\"", "dateFormat": {}, "skipLines": 1, "jaggedRowBehavior": "THROW_EXCEPTION", "parseErrorBehavior": "THROW_EXCEPTION", "addFilePath": false, "addFilePathInsteadOfUri": false, "addImportedAt": false, "initialReadTimeout": "1 hour" } } }

The following options are available for the TextDataFrameReader:

PropertyPurposeAccepted valuesRequired?Parsers supported
nullValuesThe values that should be parsed to null.A list of stringsYesall
fieldDelimiterThe delimiter character for splitting a record into multiple fields.A one-character stringNo, default to , (comma)CSV_PARSER, MULTILINE_CSV_PARSER, SIMPLE_PARSER
recordDelimiterThe end of line symbols for splitting a CSV file into multiple records.A string ends with newline characterNo, default to \n (newline) CSV_PARSER, MULTILINE_CSV_PARSER
quoteCharacterThe quote character for CSV parsing.A one-character stringNo, default to " (doublequote)CSV_PARSER, MULTILINE_CSV_PARSER
dateFormatFormat strings for date parsing in certain columns.A map that maps column names to JodaTime DateTimeFormat patternsNo, default to empty mapCSV_PARSER, MULTILINE_CSV_PARSER, SIMPLE_PARSER
skipLinesThe number of lines to skip parsing at the start of each file.A non-negative numberNo, default to 0all
jaggedRowBehaviorBehavior when there are more or fewer columns than types specified in the header.THROW_EXCEPTION, DROP_ROWNo, defaults to THROW_EXCEPTIONN/A
parseErrorBehaviorBehavior when a value fails to parse into the requested type specified in the header.THROW_EXCEPTION, REPLACE_WITH_NULLNo, defaults to THROW_EXCEPTIONN/A
addFilePathEach row is augmented by a file path.BooleanNo, default to falseall
addImportedAtEach row is augmented by the import time.BooleanNo, default to falseall
initialReadTimeoutLimits the time the parser will wait to read the first row.A human-readable durationNo, default to 1 hourall

Spark CSV options

If you are already familiar with the Spark CSV DataFrameReader, you can configure the dataFrameReaderClass to be DataSourceDataFrameReader and the format to be csv in the customMetadata.

See the Spark CSV DataFrameReader documentation ↗ for a list of supported options. You can add the configurations as key-value pairs like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "dataFrameReaderClass": "com.palantir.foundry.spark.input.DataSourceDataFrameReader", "customMetadata": { "format": "csv", "options": { "unescapedQuoteHandling": "STOP_AT_DELIMITER", "multiline": true, ... } }

Note that the schema options listed above are only applicable to datasets constructed from CSV files.