Publish an Artifact

To add an Artifact to an Artifact repository, follow these steps to generate a token and view publish instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Publish tab in the interface.

  2. Select the type of Artifact to publish from the dropdown menu.

    Select Artifact type
  3. Click Generate token.

    Generate token

  4. View the generated token in the token field. The text under the token field will show for how long the token is valid.

    Generated token

  5. (Optional) For some Artifact types, you can update the publishing instructions with parameter commands. Add commands in the field of the Parameters section.

    Add parameters

  6. Run the commands listed in the Instructions section to publish your Artifact.


  7. When prompted, provide the additional details listed in the Details section.


Now that you know how to publish an Artifact, learn how to recall Artifacts.