
As discussed in the overview for datasets, unstructured data in Foundry is stored as a collection of files in a dataset just like tabular data.

These are some features that work identically between pipelines on structured and unstructured data:

  • Pipelines can be made incremental to optimize compute performance.
  • You can write unit tests against your pipelines.
  • Computing output datasets is done using builds and schedules.
  • Foundry's pipeline security features enable robust, end-to-end security guarantees.

Some differences from pipelines on tabular data include:

  • Most guidance and example code in documentation focuses on processing dataframes, which are not the input types used for unstructured data.
  • You must use the lower-level file system APIs to read and write files in unstructured datasets.
  • Because unstructured datasets have no schema, some features focused on validating rows and columns of tabular datasets are unavailable.
  • It is possible to use Spark to process unstructured files in parallel, but the APIs are lower-level and more complex than for dataframe processing.

To get started with pipelines on unstructured data, refer to the relevant parts of documentation for Python and Java transforms:

Once unstructured data has been cleaned and normalized, you can use Code Workbook to analyze unstructured datasets and train machine learning models in Python and R. Learn more about unstructured data access in Code Workbook.