
The Couchbase connector is a Palantir-provided driver connector. The official documentation for this driver can be found here ↗.


If using an agent connection, the agent must be allowed to connect to the system you choose. This means that the agent must be able to reach the destination IP address, and the destination system must be configured to allow connections from the agent.

If using a direct connection, be sure to add the following egress policies to the connector:

<Server>Only if ConnectionMode=Direct (Default); Server connection property. Can be an IP address or HTTP/S URL. Can accept multiple URLs
<DNSServer>Only if ConnectionMode=Cloud, DNS Server is used to look up server addresses (default port 53, port can be passed with <Server>:<Port>, but is not required)
<N1QLPort>Only if ConnectionMode=Direct and CouchbaseServer=N1QL, Port defaults to 18093 for SSL and 8093 when not SSL
<AnalyticsPort>Only if ConnectionMode=Direct and CouchbaseServer=Analytics, Port defaults to 18095 w/ SSL and 8095 w/o SSL
<WebConsolePort>Only if ConnectionMode=Direct, Port defaults to 18091 w/ SSL and 8091 w/o SSL