
A DataFrame in PySpark can be joined to another dataframe or to itself just as tables can be joined in SQL. Dataframes are joined to other dataframes with the .join() method. It takes a DataFrame, a join constraint such as the name of a column to join on, and a method (left, right, inner, etc.)

Simple left join

1 df_joined = df_left.join(df_right, 'key', 'left')

df_joined is now the result of a left join on df_left.key == df_right.key. PySpark automatically drops one of the copies of the key column so that df_joined only contains one column named key.

If the key(s) to be joined on in df_left and df_right do not have the same name, it is recommended to rename them first before performing the join.

Colliding names

Be sure to rename or drop any fields you are not explicitly joining on that have the same name as these will collide once the join is complete. All colunms in a DataFrame can be renamed to have a certain prefix in a loop like so,

1 2 for column in df.columns: df = df.withColumnRenamed(column, 'some_prefix_' + column)

Joining on multiple fields

The .join() method can take a list of fields to join on instead of a single field.

1 df_joined = df_left.join(df_right, ['column1', 'column2', 'column3'], 'left')

df_joined is now a join on column1, column2 and column3. Again, this assumes the column names are consistent between df_left and df_right.

Advanced arbitrary join constraints

PySpark supports using an arbitrary expression to join using logical operators. Suppose we want to join on a column ID, a date start in our left DataFrame being before a date end in our right DataFrame, and depending on the contents of a certain field X, possibly require or not require that Y in our right DataFrame contains yet another value.

1 2 3 4 5 6 key_constraint = df_left.ID == df_right.ID date_constraint = df_left.start < df_right.end case_constraint = F.when(df_left.X == 'some_value', df_right.Y == 'some_other_value')\ .otherwise(True) combined_constraints = key_constraint & date_constraint & case_constraint df_joined = df_left.join(df_right, combined_constraints, 'left')

Cross join (Cartesian product)

Use a cross join to generate all combinations of rows between two dataframes, also known as the Cartesian product, without any matching by key or other constraint. Cross joins should be avoided if possible due to their risk of introducing memory and performance problems.


Don't use a cross join if you intend to immediately filter down the results. Instead, embed your filter criteria into the join constraint for a more efficient solution (see Advanced arbitrary join constraints above).

You must explicitly import the profile CROSS_JOIN_ENABLED in your Code Repository to use cross joins.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 from transforms.api import configure @configure(profile=["CROSS_JOIN_ENABLED"]) @transform_df( ... ) def my_compute_function(input_a, input_b): return input_a.crossJoin(input_b)