Dynamic filters

Dynamic filters allow the use of special keywords and functions to create more flexible and powerful filtering for syncs.

Dynamic filters are available as of add-on version SP26.

Fixed keywords

The following fixed keywords return dynamic date values.

[CURRENTYEAR]Returns the current year in YYYY format
[TODAY]Returns today's date in YYYYMMDD format
[LASTDAYOFMONTH]Returns the last day of the current month in YYYYMMDD format
[LASTDAYOFLASTMONTH]Returns the last day of the previous month in YYYYMMDD format
[FIRSTDAYOFMONTH]Returns the first day of the current month in YYYYMMDD format
[FIRSTDAYOFLASTMONTH]Returns the first day of the previous month in YYYYMMDD format

Functions for date calculations

The following dynamic functions perform various date calculations.

[ADDDAY]Adds days to the selected date (for example, [ADDDAY(22102022,1)]23102022)
[ADDMONTH]Adds months to the selected date
[ADDYEAR]Adds years to the selected date
[GETMONTH]Returns the month of the selected date in a 2-digit format (01, 02, 03, ..., 12)
[GETDAY]Returns the day of the month in a 2-digit format
[GETYEAR]Returns the year of the selected date

Function usage and nesting

Functions can be used directly with fixed keywords or nested inside each other for more complex calculations. For example:

  • Single function: [ADDDAY([TODAY], 1)]
  • Nested functions: [GETDAY([ADDDAY([FIRSTDAYOFMONTH], -1)])]

Filter usage examples

Dynamic filters can be used in simple, nested, or chained nested formats. Here are some examples of each:

  • Simple filter: BUDAT>[TODAY]
  • Nested filter: BUDAT>[ADDDAY([FIRSTDAYOFMONTH], -1)]
  • Chained nested filter: BUDAT<[ADDDAY([ADDDAY([TODAY],[GETDAY([TODAY])])],1)]

By combining fixed keywords and dynamic functions, versatile and powerful filters can be created to adapt to various data analysis scenarios.