Save and share a graph

Data Lineage allows you to easily save and share your graph with other users. You can find multiple ways to save and share by clicking on the Actions tab in the upper right of the application and selecting a method from the dropdown menu.

Save and share actions in Data Lineage

  • Save: Save your Data Lineage graph to where it currently lives in your files or Project.
  • Save as...: Choose a name for your lineage graph and save it to a new location in your file system.

Save as lineage graph window

  • Open graph: Choose to open a different saved graph to which you have access, or open the Clipboard tab to enter the resource identifier (RID) of a dataset, schedule, graph, or path.

Open new graph Clipboard option

Your branch choice is saved with your saved graph. If you load a graph with a different branch configuration than you currently have, you will be asked if you would like to switch branches to the saved branch configuration.

Switch branches alert to open new graph

  • Get quick share link: Generate a shareable link that provides read-only access to your graph.
  • Export graph to SVG: Generates and downloads a static image of your lineage graph in .svg format.

You can also click the Share button in the upper right of the application to open the sidebar and view Roles details. From here, you can turn on link sharing or give a user or group access to your graph.

View Roles details in Data Lineage sidebar