Slack [Beta]

The Slack connector is in a beta state and may not be available on your Foundry enrollment. If you cannot find Slack on the New Source page in Data Connection, contact Palantir Support to enable access.

Connect Foundry to Slack with the CData JDBC driver to import data into Foundry datasets.

Supported capabilities

Bulk import🟡 Beta
Exploration🟡 Beta
Incremental🟡 Beta

Data model

The CData driver models Slack data as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements. For information about the available tables and their contents, review the CData documentation for Slack tables ↗.


  1. Open the Data Connection application and select + New Source in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Slack from the available connector types.
  3. Choose to use a direct connection over the Internet or to connect through an intermediary agent.
  4. Follow the additional configuration prompts to continue the set up of your connector using the information in the sections below.

Learn more about setting up a connector in Foundry.


Authentication to Slack is performed with a bearer token. This can be supplied using a bot user token associated with an installed Slack app in your Slack workspace.

Use of a bot token allows for persistent and durable source creation that does not directly link to an individual user. To create a Slack app and obtain its bot token, follow the steps in the Slack documentation:


To ingest data tables, the Slack application for the bearer token configured in the Credentials settings for source configuration must be granted specific Slack permission scopes.

For a full list of permission scopes required to support all CData driver features, refer to the CData documentation ↗. Write permission scopes are not required when using the Slack connector for only data ingestion features. For more details on permission scopes, review the Slack documentation ↗.

Permission scope requirements for a Slack application used for data ingestion can be reduced if only specific data tables or types of Slack channel data in these tables are required for ingestion.

Example: Permission scope requirements for ingesting data tables related to Slack messages and channel types include the following:

Table nameScopesAlways Required?Description
Usersusers:readYesLoad users.
Channelschannels:read, groups:read, im:read, mpim:readNoOnly required if loading public, private, im (direct messages) or mpim (group direct messages) channels respectively. All are required when loading all channel types (which is the default if no channel filters are specified).
Messages or MessageReplieschannels:history, groups:history, im:history, mpim:history + requirements for ChannelsNoOnly required if loading messages/replies from public, private, im or mpim channels respectively. All are required when loading from all channel types (which is the default if no channel filters are specified). Also see additional note below on channel membership requirements.

To ingest messages and message replies from a given Slack channel using the bot token for a Slack application with the Slack connector, the Slack application must be added to the Slack channel first, as well as have read permission scopes for the channel type as detailed above. Slack applications can be added to a channel in Slack by users manually or can use the application's bot user token to join public channels programmatically using the Slack Web API ↗.


The Slack connector requires network access to on port 443. If you are using a direct connection through the Internet, ensure that an egress policy exists. For agent runtimes, the server running the agent must have network access to this domain.

Configuration options

The following configuration options are available for the Slack connector:

Credentials settingsYesConfigure using the Authentication guidance shown above.
Proxy settingsNoEnable and enter the username and password to allow a proxy connection to Slack.
LogsNoEnable to control how the connector logs information. Review the log settings section below for more details.

Sync data from Slack

To set up a Slack sync, select Explore and create syncs in the upper right of the source Overview screen. Next, select the tables you want to sync into Foundry. When you are ready to sync, select Create sync for x datasets.

Learn more about source exploration in Foundry.

Configure Slack syncs

The Slack connector allows for advanced sync configurations to determine how much of which data is brought into Foundry.

After exploring your available syncs and adding them to your connector, navigate to Edit syncs. From the Syncs panel to the left, find the sync you want to configure and select > to the right.

TableYesChoose what table from Slack should be copied into Foundry. See data model for what tables are supported.
Column selectionNoSelect a subset of columns to sync into Foundry. Review the column selection section below for more information.
Row filtersNoEnable and add filters to remove rows that do not fit criteria based on its column values. Review the row filters section below for more information.
LimitNoAdds an SQL limit clause to the underlying query. This setting can be used to limit the number of rows synced into Foundry in a single run.
IncrementalNoEnable to sync data into Foundry in small batches. Review the incremental section below for more information.


Typically, syncs will import all matching rows from the target table, regardless if data changed between syncs or not. Incremental syncs, by contrast, maintain state about the most recent sync and only ingest new matching rows from the target.

Incremental syncs can be used when ingesting large tables from Slack. To use incremental syncs, the table must contain a column that is strictly monotonically increasing. Additionally, the table being read from must contain a column with one of the following data types:

  • DATE

Numeric column types:

  • int
  • long
  • DEC

String column types:

  • string
  • CHAR

Incremental syncs require the following configurations:

ColumnYesSelect the column that will be used for incremental ingests. The dropdown menu will be empty if the table does not contain any supported columns types.
Initial valueYesThe value from which to start syncing data.

Example sync configuration:

  • The Messages table contains all non-threaded reply messages for every channel the configured bearer token has access to.
  • The table has a CreatedTime timestamp column for the message creation timestamp.
  • The sync can be configured to ingest only new messages using the CreatedTime column as the incremental column for an APPEND transaction sync, along with an initial starting timestamp value from which to begin reading messages.
  • When an initial sync is run, all messages created at or after the starting timestamp will be ingested.
  • On the next sync, only messages created at or after the most recent CreatedTime timestamp from the previous sync will be ingested.
  • A similar incremental sync configuration can be used to sync threaded message replies from the MessageReplies table using its CreatedTime timestamp column.

Column selection

Choose the columns to sync into Foundry. If no column is selected, all columns will be synced into Foundry.

All column names must start with either an underscore or a character from the English alphabet. The names can only contain underscores, characters from the English alphabet, or numbers.

The following examples are valid column names:

  • _colum_name
  • a_column_name_123

The following examples are invalid column names:

  • 1ColumnName; starts with a number.
  • a-column-name*; contains hyphens and an asterisk.
  • å-column-name; contains non-English characters.

Row filters

Filters can be added to reduce the amount of synced rows or to individually select which rows will be synced into Foundry. For row filters to be configured, previews of the table must succeed. Before configuring row filters, we recommend refreshing the preview using the Preview of inbound data section at the bottom of the interface. The preview can be refreshed to validate the behavior of the filters added.

A filter configuration consists of a set of conditions that each row must pass for it to be synced into Foundry. Each set of conditions can be evaluated to either match if all the conditions match or if at-least onecondition matches. Sets of conditions can be nested to give more fine-grained control over what to import and provide high flexibility. These are equivalent to AND and OR statements in standard SQL.

A condition itself is a simple comparison of a value in the column of the table in Slack against a value that can be entered in the interface. For example, the condition CreatedAt is equal to 12/04/2021 will only import those rows where the value in the CreatedAt column is 12/04/2021. The data type of the column determines the comparison operations that are supported.

Comparison operations

The following operations are supported in the filter:


These comparison operations behave equivalent to how these operations would behave in standard SQL.

String type columns additionally support Like and Not like operators which use the standard SQL-92 syntax.