Derived properties is in the beta phase and under active development. Some functionality may change before this feature becomes generally available, and it may not be available on all enrollments.
Derived properties are properties that are calculated at runtime based on the values of other properties or links on objects. This includes aggregating on or selecting properties of linked objects. Derived properties are then available for further operations, such as filtering, sorting, or aggregating within the same request. Derived properties use the security of all objects involved in the calculation, so they do not expose information a user would otherwise be unable to see.
Derived properties are available in the following workflows:
operation, to be returned or used in additional filters, aggregations, or sorts. The TypeScript OSDK must be running the 2.2.0-beta.x
version of the @osdk/client
package or later. Review the API documentation in Developer Console for more details.As a beta feature under active development, derived properties currently have some capability limitations. Many of these capabilities will become available over time as additional functionality is built. Current limitations are listed below:
operation in Ontology SDK to exclude struct and array properties.