Visualization widgets display data related to the current object in charts, pivot tables, timelines, maps, and other visualizations, including simple text and metrics. Visualizations created in other Foundry apps can be embedded as well - see the Apps and Files category to learn more about embedding Slate applications, Contour boards, Foundry reports, Fusion spreadsheets, and Quiver time series or charts.
This widget is mainly used to display a table view of all Linked Objects of a certain type along with their relevant properties. The table also supports selection of subset of linked objects to open in other Foundry apps or perform configured Object Actions. In addition to a table view, a simple list view and a card view are also available.
Example for Linked Object View (Table) without a Filter Sidebar, and with a Filter Sidebar:
The configuration has 3 parts:
Properties to Exclude
selector (see below).properties to exclude
selector (see below).Format tab:
Under the format tab within the widget configuration, aside from defaults of Title, Icon, Info and Layout, you can control the minimum and maximum height of the section (optional).
Common Issues and Notes:
Create a chronological list of events, displayed top-down, sorted by date and time. This timeline is built of linked objects that must have at least one timestamp, and are usually events, that is an object with a start and end timestamp that define some duration. This widget can include one or more types of objects linked to the current object directly, or through a linked object. It can also display the same event by different date properties as in the examples below.
For a graph timeline, use the Grouped Events Timeline and Table widget.
Under the format tab within the widget configuration, aside from defaults of Title, Icon, Info and Layout, you can control the minimum and maximum height of the section (optional).
This widget includes two components: (1) a timeline of Linked Objects, and (2) a table listing the Linked Objects underneath. Linked objects can be grouped by properties and filtered by text, date range and external filters.
Grouped events are plotted on separate parallel lines, with each line including only events that have a property with a certain value, similar to a pivot table. In the example below, each city has a different line, with all flights that are arriving (red) or departing (blue) from that city on that line.
This widget can include one or more types of objects linked to the current object directly, or through a linked object. It can also display the same event by different date properties (examples below).
Under the format tab, aside from defaults of Title, Icon, Info and Layout, you can control the minimum and maximum height of the section. Setting either is optional.