Create Ontology objects from Gaia

Similar to how you can add data from the Ontology to a Gaia map, you can also create Ontology objects from a shape you draw, a point you drop, or a tactical graphic you configure on a map by tagging the object within a type-mapped object type which implements the Gaia Geoshape Creatable, Geopoint Creatable, or Milsym Creatable interface.

A Gaia map's Create shape window in the left panel is displayed, where a user can tag a shape drawn on a map as an object within an object type in their Ontology.

To create Ontology objects from a Gaia map, your enrollment must use both Foundry and Gotham.

The sections below outline the end-to-end process to integrate Gaia shapes, points, and tactical graphics with the Ontology:

Install prerequisite Marketplace products

Marketplace is Foundry's storefront for published data products or collections of platform resources made available for user installation. You can access Marketplace through the Search... bar or the Applications portal on your home screen.

Once you launch Marketplace, install the following products:

Core Property Types from the Core Ontology Store

To install the Core Property Types product from the Core Ontology Store:

  1. Search for and select Core Ontology Store using the Search stores... bar on the right side of your screen.
  2. Select the Core Property Types product from the store menu.

Marketplace's Core Property Types product overview is displayed within the Core Ontology Store.

If you cannot locate the Core Property Types product within the Core Ontology Store, then you can install it by launching Foundry DevOps under the Publish to Marketplace section at the bottom of the Marketplace home screen.

  1. Choose the Install or Install again button on the right side of your screen to launch a draft installation. You can optionally add a descriptive suffix to your installation.

The Core Property Types product's installation window is displayed, where a user can add an installation suffix.

  1. Identify a Namespace where your installation will save. Marketplace will automatically create a new Project within the chosen Namespace.
  2. Configure the product's classification and access controls under Permissions. The classification you select under Classification based access control (CBAC) defines the maximum classification for the installation.
  3. Select Next.
  4. Validate the Shared property list generated by the Core Property Types product, which may vary based on the product's version, before you select Next.
  5. Update the automatic configurations in New versions as necessary for your use case before you select Next. Marketplace pre-configures certain products to upgrade automatically.

The New versions page within the Core Property Types product's installation menu is displayed, where a user can optionally toggle off the product's automatic upgrades and define its maintenance window.

  1. Review your product's configurations and select Install.

The Core Property Types product's installation job page is displayed, showing a successful installation along with product details.

You can search for your newly installed and suffixed Core Property Types product using Quicksearch.

Foundry's Quicksearch is displayed, where a user can search for their newly created Core Property Types product usings it suffix.

You will next install the Gaia Geoshape Creatable and Gaia Geopoint Creatable interfaces from the Gaia App Store in Marketplace.

Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface from the Gaia App Store

In Foundry, interfaces exist within your Ontology to describe an object type's shape as well as its capabilities, enabling consistent modeling and interaction between object types of a common shape. You can implement an interface on multiple object types, and interfaces may extend any number of other interfaces. Once implemented on an object type, the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface enables you to create objects in your Ontology from shapes drawn on a Gaia map.

The Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface supersedes the deprecated Gaia Geocreatable interface. Contact Palantir Support if you are unable to access the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface in Marketplace.

To install the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface from Marketplace:

  1. Navigate back to Marketplace and search for the Gaia App Store in Search stores....
  2. Choose the Gaia Geoshape Creatable product.
  3. Select the blue Install button on the right side of your screen to launch a draft installation. You can optionally add a descriptive suffix to your installation.
  4. Identify a Namespace where your installation will save. Marketplace will automatically create a new Project within the chosen Namespace.
  5. Configure the product's classification and access controls under Permissions. The classification you select under Classification based access control (CBAC) defines the maximum classification for the installation.
  6. Select Next to launch the installation window's Inputs page.
  7. Select the Shared properties tab under Inputs in the left panel to map shared properties from your Ontology to your new interface, such as Classification and Geoshape.

The Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface's Inputs page is displayed, where a user can map shared properties from their Ontology as interface inputs.

  1. Map shared properties for the missing Classification and Geoshape inputs before you select Next to launch the installation window's Content page.

The Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface's Shared properties page is displayed, where a user configures shared properties to include in their interface.

  1. Optionally toggle on Prefix Ontology entities and insert a valid prefix. Note that your prefix may not contain certain special characters, such as parentheses or brackets.
  2. Choose which Ontology schema migrations to enable on the right side of your screen. You can reference additional schema management information within the existing object edits and materializations documentation.
  3. Update the automatic configurations in New versions as necessary for your use case before you select Next. Marketplace pre-configures certain products to upgrade automatically.
  4. Review your interface's configurations and select Install.

Gaia Geopoint Creatable interface from the Gaia App Store

To install the Gaia Geopoint Creatable interface from Marketplace's Gaia App Store, select the Gaia Geopoint Creatable product from the store menu. Marketplace's interface installation workflows are common across different interfaces, so you can follow the same steps outlined in the Geoshape Creatable interface installation instructions above with the following distinctions:

  • In the Shared properties window, you will map the following shared properties from your Ontology to the Gaia Geopoint Creatable interface:
    • Classification
    • Geopoint

The Gaia Geopoint Creatable interface's Installation page is displayed.

Gaia Milsym Creatable interface from the Gaia App Store

Contact Palantir Support to install the Gaia Milsym Creatable interface on your Foundry enrollment if it is not currently available.

Create an object type that implements the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface

Gaia can discover object types backed by a restricted view in your Ontology after they implement the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface. In the following sections, you will:

Create an object type-backing restricted view

To create an object type that can integrate with Gaia, you will first need to create a restricted view from a dataset that contains, at a minimum, the following columns:

  • Name, which you will set as a string to enable a user to title their shape as an object.
  • Classification, which you will set as an array to capture your object's classification.
  • Geoshape, which you will set as a string for Gaia to automatically populate with your drawn object's shape.
  • Map ID, which you will set as a string for Gaia to automatically populate with your drawn object's map ID.
  • Object ID, which you will set as a string for Foundry to automatically populate with a unique ID for each Gaia shape you create as an object.

You can configure additional columns in your restricted view based on your specific use case, such as a Category or Notes column set as a string to capture user-entered descriptive information about the object.

Select the New button in your Project to upload an existing file, such as a .csv, or use Fusion to create the dataset which backs your restricted view.

Users can select the New button from their Project to upload data as a .csv or create a new Fusion sheet to store data which will back a restricted view.

You can reference additional restricted view creation instructions in Foundry's security and object permissions documentation.

Your restricted view should contain a granular policy that restricts user access to the data contained in the view based on their classification access. Compose the granular policy as the first step in the Create '{restricted view}' window.

An example restricted view policy is displayed.

Foundry creates objects using the CBAC markings it inherits from the Gaia map and will not apply mandatory markings or groups defined in the map's security and sharing settings. If you would like to restrict object access in Foundry beyond the inherited CBAC markings, then you must configure those restrictions on the backing dataset or within the restricted view policy.

You can reference an example policy in JSON below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 { "condition": { "and": { "conditions": [ { "markings": { "value": { "field": { "fieldName": "classification" }, "type": "field" }, "filters": [ { "markingTypes": { "markingTypes": [ "CBAC" ] }, "type": "markingTypes" } ] }, "type": "markings" } ] }, "type": "and" } }

Create and type-map an object type

If your Foundry enrollment contains Map Rendering Service (MRS), then you will not need to complete the type mapping process to enable object type discovery in Gotham. Contact Palantir Support with questions about MRS installation or functionality.

Once you configure your restricted view, launch Ontology Manager and follow the steps below to create your object type and type-map it to enable integration with Gotham:

  1. Select New > Object type from the top right of your screen.
  2. Select Use existing datasource and choose Select datasource to locate and Select your restricted view before choosing Next.
  3. Name your object type and optionally enter a Description.
  4. Set Object ID as the Primary Key and Name as the Title.
  5. Ensure Classification's Property is an array of strings and Geoshape's Property is geoshape.

Ontology Manager's Create a new object type window is displayed, where a user can set an object type's Primary Key and Title as well as configure properties.

  1. Select Create, as you will generate and configure Action types after object type creation.

With your draft object type viewable in Ontology Manager, you will next select the Classification, Geoshape, and Map ID properties as shared property types in your Ontology. Select the Properties panel beneath Overview and follow the steps below to complete the shared property type selection process:

  1. Select Classification from your list of properties to launch the Property editor window on the right side of your screen.
  2. Update the Base type dropdown menus to contain Marking and CBAC Marking, respectively.
  3. Configure the property's Max Classification.

The Property editor window is displayed, where a user can map properties as shared property types.

Contact your Palantir Support if you are unable to select Marking as the base type for Classification, as Markings are not generally available across all Foundry enrollments.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the window to the Shared property section to assign Classification as a shared property in the Select a shared property dropdown menu.

Assign a shared property through the Shared property section of the Property editor window.

Repeat steps 1 and 4 above for your Geoshape and Map ID properties, as you will not need to configure their Markings or classification. Assign Map ID to the Id shared property you installed as part of the Core Property Types product.

Select the green Save button at the top of the screen to publish incremental changes to your Ontology before proceeding.

Next, you will render objects within your object type as discoverable from Gotham applications by completing the type mapping process. Select the Capabilities panel beneath Datasources and follow the steps below to type-map your object type's properties:

  1. Scroll down to and toggle on Gotham Integration.
  2. Select Create new object type under Object type.
  3. Choose the appropriate Parent category for your object type.
  4. Optionally clone your non-shared property types by selecting Create a clone of the property in Gotham to the right of each in the dropdown menu.

By default, Ontology Manager does not type-map a property. Creating a property clone will configure an application-compatible duplicate of the selected property in Gotham.

Ontology Manager automatically type-maps Geoshape and populates your other shared property types, such as Classification and Id, in the Property types dropdown menu to the right of each property type.

Type mapping settings for an object type in the Gotham Integration panel.

Additionally, Ontology Manager provides an optional interface to configure intrinsic values on Gotham objects derived from properties you type-map from your Ontology. Gotham's object model enables you to set property types in your Ontology that contain geotemporal data as metadata of an object in Gotham. As an example, if you create a Vessel object type in your Ontology whose object instances contain a geohash property type that records the object's location, then you can set the geohash property type as an object-level intrinsic in Gotham.

Intrinsic values must be timestamp, geohash, or string types.

Create and configure an Action type to enable object creation in Gaia

Once the properties of your object type are configured to enable Gotham integration, you can navigate back to the Overview window in Ontology Manager. Here, you will create an Action type that enables users to create objects from shapes and configure their properties, such as Name and Category, from Gaia. Follow the steps below to configure your Action type:

  1. Select New from the Action types section of your object type's Overview window to launch the Create a new action type pop-up window.

If you are unable to select the New button in Action types, then you can toggle on Allow edits on your object type in the Datasources window.

  1. Select Create object under Object actions before choosing Next.
  2. Select Add property to add all your existing properties to the Action type, then choose Next to configure your Action type's metadata.
  3. Name your Action type, and optionally enter a description and update its default icon.
  4. Search for a group or user who may execute the Action, then select Create.

Select the green Save button at the top of the screen to publish incremental changes to your Ontology before proceeding.

Next, you will configure your Action type's Rules and Parameters by following the steps below:

  1. Select Rules from the left side of the screen.
  2. Reconfigure the Geoshape property as a string type by selecting the arrow icon next to Configure parameter.
    • Select String from the Type dropdown menu on the right side of the screen.
    • Ensure the Disabled option is selected in the General panel so a user cannot manually configure the location of a Geoshape.

Ontology Manager's Create object window is displayed, where a user can map properties in the Rules panel to create a rule.

  1. Select your Classification property from the Form content panel on the left side of your screen and verify that its Type is Marking.
  2. Select your Id property from the Form content panel on the left side of your screen and toggle on Disabled in the General panel to ensure a user cannot manually configure your map's Id.
  3. Select Back to Form and remove Object Id from Form content by selecting the X icon on the far right side of the Object Id panel. Foundry will automatically generate a unique ID for each object created from Gaia.
  4. Select the green Save button at the top of your screen to save your Action type's configurations to the Ontology.

Implement the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface

The final step in creating and configuring your object type in Ontology Manager is to implement the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface that you previously installed from Marketplace. Navigate back to your object type's Overview page and follow the steps below to implement the interface before saving changes to your Ontology:

  1. Navigate to the Interfaces window beneath Object Views on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select Implement new interface and search for Gaia Geoshape Creatable before choosing Next.
  3. Map your Ontology's shared property types to the object type implementing the interface by selecting Replace existing for your Geoshape property. Classification will map automatically.

Users can validate shared property type mapping to their object type through the Implement an interface pop-up window when implementing the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface.

  1. Select Confirm to close the Implement an interface window and Save the newly configured interface to your Ontology.

Ontology Manager's Interfaces window displays the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface after it has been implemented on an object type.

Create an object type that implements the Gaia Geopoint Creatable interface

To create an object type that implements the Gaia Geopoint Creatable interface, you can follow the same steps outlined in the object type creation instructions for the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface above with the following distinctions in each section:

Create an object type that implements the Gaia Milsym Creatable interface

To create an object type that implements the Gaia Milsym Creatable interface, you can follow the same steps outlined in the object type creation instructions for the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface above with the following distinctions in each section:

When configuring an Action type to enable object creation, select Modify or create object in the Create a new action type popup window to ensure you and other users can both create a new and modify an existing tactical graphic object. Follow the steps below to complete the Action type's remaining configuration:

  1. Select Auto-generated primary key from the Or create a new object with dropdown menu.
  2. Select Add property to map at least the Classification, MIL2525 Symbol Anchor Points, and SIDC properties before you select Next.

The Create a new action type window is displayed, where a user can map action parameters used as action inputs.

  1. Enter a name for your Action type and optionally provide a Description and configure an Icon before you select Next.
  2. Search for a group or user who may execute the Action, then select Create.

Select the green Save button at the top of the screen to publish incremental changes to your Ontology before proceeding.

Next, you will configure your Action type's Rules and Parameters by following the steps below:

  1. Select Rules from the left side of the screen.
  2. Select the arrow icon to the right of your Classification property to Configure parameter.

The Rules panel in an Action type's creation window displays properties mapped as Action type inputs.

  1. Toggle on Disabled in the General section to ensure the object created inherits its classification markings from your Gaia map.
  2. Select Add under Set a parameter max classification to ensure the Action type's maximum classification matches the object type's maximum classification.

The Action form's Classification parameter is displayed, where a user can validate its Type, Disable its editing, and configure its maximum classification.

  1. Select the green Save button at the top of the screen to publish the Action type to your Ontology.

Since the use of struct properties in Actions is not currently supported, you will not be able to configure the Speed Modifier (Z) or Altitude/Depth Modifier (X) properties as Action type parameters.

  • Implement the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface.
    • Search for the Gaia Milsym Creatable instead of the Gaia Geoshape Creatable interface.
    • When mapping your Ontology's shared property types, select Replace existing for your Classification property and Create edit-only property for the others.

Register your Ontology and its types in the Gaia admin application

Now, you have object types that implement the Gaia Geoshape Creatable, Gaia Geopoint Creatable, and Gaia Milsym Creatable interfaces and contain accompanying Action types that enable a user to configure objects they create from shapes drawn, points dropped, and tactical graphics configured on a Gaia map. Next, you will register your Ontology, object types, and Action types in Gaia's admin application.

To register your Ontology and its types for Gaia discovery, you will need access to Gaia's admin application. Contact Palantir Support to request access to Gaia's admin application.

To register your Ontology, object types, and Action types, launch the Gaia admin application and follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the Ontology Config panel and verify your Ontology's configuration. If your Ontology is not configured, select the toggle on the left side of the panel to set Ontology Config to overridden.
  2. Enter your Ontology's RID and API name into the Ontology RID and API Name text boxes.

To locate and copy your Ontology's RID and API name, navigate to Ontology Manager and choose Ontology configuration from the bottom of its left panel to launch the Ontology metadata window.

The Gaia admin application's Ontology Config panel.

  1. Locate the Foundry Object Creation Config panel and select Show.
  2. Select Add at the bottom of your enrollment's existing object and Action type list.
  3. Copy and paste the RIDs for all three object types and their supporting Action types into three separate Object type rid and Action type rid text boxes, respectively.
  4. Select Preview and save in the top right ribbon.

The Gaia admin application's Foundry Object Creation Config panel.

You can access your object type's RID from the Overview window in Ontology Manager. Select the clipboard icon to copy the RID. Additionally, you can access your Action type's RID by selecting Create {object type name} in the Action types section of the Overview window. The Action type's RID can also be copied through the clipboard icon.

You can copy the RID of both your object type and Action type from the Overview window of Ontology Manager.

Next, you will launch Gotham's Gaia application to create objects from shapes you draw, points you drop, and tactical graphics you configure on a map using its Add to map menu.

Draw a new shape on your Gaia map and tag it to an object type

With your Gaia map open, select a shape to draw from the Add to map menu in the top left region of your map. When you finish drawing your shape, the Create shape window will appear in Gaia's left panel. Follow the steps below to configure your shape and save it to your Ontology as an object:

  1. Select the arrow on the far right of the Tag as object (optional) panel.
  2. Search for and select your object type in the Object type dropdown menu.
  3. Enter a Category and Name for your object before you select Finish.

A polygon is drawn on a Gaia map, where a user can geotag it to an object type.

Once you save your shape as an object, it will render as a Map layer in Gaia's left panel. You can select the object's name to launch the Selection panel on the right side of your screen, where you can view its properties and customize its appearance.

Users can view a shape's object data on a Gaia map after it is drawn.

You can also view your object in Foundry's Object Explorer.

Users can view their drawn objects within Foundry's Object Explorer.

Drop a new point on your Gaia map and tag it to an object type

With your Gaia map open, select a Symbol to drop as a geopoint from the Add to map menu in the top left region of your map which launches the Create symbol window in Gaia's left panel. Select anywhere on your map to drop the symbol, and Gaia will automatically populate the Coordinates input box based on your map's coordinate system preference.

Select File > Preferences > Coordinate system from Gaia's top ribbon to update the default coordinate system.

Follow the steps below to configure your geopoint and save it to your Ontology as an object:

  1. Optionally adjust the Bearing (mag) of your geopoint.
  2. Select the arrow on the far right of the Tag as object (optional) panel.
  3. Search for and select your object type in the Object type dropdown menu.
  4. Enter a Title for your object before you select Finish.

A symbol is dropped on a Gaia map as a geopoint, where a user can geotag it to an object type.

You can also tag an existing annotation as an object by double-clicking its symbol on your map or hovering your cursor over the annotation's pencil icon in Map layers to launch the Edit symbol window in the left panel.

The Map layers tab of Gaia's left panel displays an Annotations layer, where a user can hover their cursor over an annotation to tag it as an object.

Once you save your geopoint as an object, you can interact with the new map layer and view the object in Foundry's Object Explorer in the same manner you can for a shape drawn on your map.

To learn more about the various methods you can use to add data from your Ontology to Gotham, review the existing geospatial data integration documentation.

Configure a tactical graphic on your Gaia map and tag it to an object type

With your Gaia map open, select Symbol in the Add to map menu in the top left region of your map to render the symbol Search menu. Type the name of your desired tactical graphic in the Search symbols... input box, such as Brigade Support Area.

Gaia's Add to map toolbar's Search window enables a user to search for a symbol or tactical graphic to add to their map.

The Create shape window will appear in Gaia's left panel, and you can follow the same shape creation instructions above to add your tactical graphic to the map and tag it to an object type.

A Gaia map displays a tactical graphic drawn and saved on a map canvas.