Object types can sometimes have similar schema. For example, the schema for Car and Truck may be very similar, with only a few differing properties. To reduce the time you spend setting up the Truck object type, you can copy over the configuration from the Car object type.

Select the object type to copy

You can copy the configuration of an object type with the following steps:

  1. Select the three dots at the top right side of the object type view sidebar.
  2. Select the Copy configuration to another object type option from the dropdown. This will open the Copy object type configuration dialog.

Copy configuration to another object type

Copy object type configuration

The Copy object type configuration dialog will give you the option to either:

  • Select an existing object type as a destination for the copied object type configuration, or
  • Create and name a new object type with the copied object type configuration.
Copy object type configuration dialog

Selecting Confirm will copy all of the starting object type’s properties and its metadata (such as statuses, render hints, and so on).


If the existing object type selected as a copy destination already has existing properties, the following may occur:

  • Existing properties on the existing object type will be overwritten by the properties copied over from the starting object type.
  • Copied properties will automatically be mapped to the existing object type’s backing datasource if a column matches the name of a copied property.

Therefore, when selecting an existing object type as a copy destination, ensure that the destination object type has the same schema as the object type you are copying.