The Map application provides powerful geospatial and temporal analysis and visualization capabilities, allowing you to integrate data from across Foundry into a cohesive geospatial experience:
Explore connections between geospatial objects, traverse physical networks.
Search geospatially for point and polygon data, using bounding box and polygon intersection queries.
Visualize contextual geospatial data from a variety of sources, including high-scale vector data and satellite imagery, and temporal data such as paths of object movements over time, and events.
Interact by drawing shapes and performing geospatial actions.
Build geospatial applications using map templates.
Geospatial data on the Map
The Map application renders maps using the Web Mercator Projection ↗ (EPSG:3857), and expects latitude/longitude coordinates in WGS 84 degrees (EPSG:4326). See Geospatial data in Foundry for more information on transforming geospatial data in Foundry.