Add objects

To analyze data in your Ontology, you first need to add objects of interest to your map. Get started by clicking + Add to map, or search for objects in a specific geospatial area.

Use the object search dialog

After clicking + Add to map, the object search dialog appears:

Object search dialog

In the dialog, you can search for objects by entering any question into the primary Search... field at the top, or filter down the objects being searched using the filters panel on the left.

Filter objects

Select an object type to filter results to only include objects of that type. After selecting an object type, you can further refine your search using the Filters button:

Object type filtered

Some of the most commonly-used properties will automatically appear in the filters area, allowing you narrow down the object results by selecting the values for those properties that you are interested in.

Object type filtered

You can filter by any property on the object type by clicking + Add filter and selecting the properties desired. Click Back to have your chosen properties appear in the filter area.

Add filter

Select and add results

Select an object in the results table by clicking on it. Hold the Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (macOS) key to toggle selection of any object, or additionally use the Shift key to select a range of objects. Add your selected objects to the map by clicking + Add selected, or add all objects that matched your search by clicking Add all.

The Map limits how many objects you can add from the search dialog. By default, you can add 1000 objects. When this limit is reached, the Add all option is disabled and you will need to filter your results to reduce the number of objects before the option is re-enabled.

Add all disabled

Search for objects geospatially

You can search for objects in a particular geospatial area of interest. From the Add to map dropdown, select Search for objects that intersect a shape...:

Search for objects that intersect a shape

You will then be prompted to draw a shape around the geospatial area you want to search within:

Search for objects that intersect a shape

After you finish drawing a shape, the objects search dialog will open and only show objects that contain geospatial data which intersects with the shape you drew:

Search dialog filtered to intersecting objects

Search Around

Starting from objects already on your map, you can traverse Ontology relationships and add related objects to your map by using a Search Around. First, select some objects on the map, and then click on Search Around:

Search around menu

Select from the list of related objects to add them to your map. If the related objects display as points, the map will render a visual link between the related objects:

Search around links