Ontology Actions

You can configure Actions in the Ontology that users can apply to geospatial Objects in the Map application. For example, these Actions might be to create or edit objects based on points selected, polygons, or lines drawn on the map.

Point Actions

When a user right-clicks on the map or on a point object, the Actions menu will show all Ontology Actions that apply to geospatial points. To define an Action that applies to points, it needs to have either:

  • A String parameter with the type class: Kind: geo Value: geohash (the data will be a string of latitude,longitude), or

Geohash Action parameter in the Ontology Manager

  • Two Double parameters:
    • One that will be passed the latitude, with the type class: Kind: geo Value: latitude, and
    • One that will be passed the longitude, with the type class: Kind: geo Value: longitude.

Latitude Action parameter in the Ontology Manager

Longitude Action parameter in the Ontology Manager

Shape Actions

When a user selects a polygon object or draws a shape on the map, the Actions menu will show all Ontology Actions that apply to geospatial shapes. To define an Action that applies to shapes, the Action needs to have a String parameter with the type class: Kind: geo and Value: geojson, where the data will be a GeoJSON geometry string.

Geojson Action parameter in the Ontology Manager

Use actions to edit object geoshape properties

Actions can be configured to allow users to edit a geoshape property of an object on the map. A user can select the object, choose the relevant action from the Actions menu, and then modify the shape as necessary (for example, by adding or moving points, buffering, or translating the shape).

Using a shape update action

To configure an action to allow users to edit a geoshape property of an object on the map, create a "Modify object" action for the desired object type with a parameter that fulfills the following requirements:

  • Is a String parameter
  • Is mapped to the geoshape property on the object that you wish to update
  • Has default value disabled
  • With the type class: Kind: geo, Value: geojson
  • With the type class: Kind: geo, Value: prefill

Update shape action parameter in the Ontology Manager

Update shape action parameter typeclasses in the Ontology Manager