Create an interface

Follow the steps below to create a new interface in Ontology Manager.

  1. First, verify you are working within your Ontology of choice by checking the Ontologies dropdown menu located at the top of the left side panel.

  2. Select Interfaces under the Resources section of the same left panel. From the Interfaces page, select New interface from the top right corner of the screen.

Alternately, you can select the New dropdown menu from the top right corner of the Ontology Manager navigation bar and select Interface.

  1. Input the display name and API name for your interface. You can also optionally provide a description of the interface and select an appropriate icon.
Interface metadata creation
  1. Select the shared properties for the interface.
Interface shared property selection

Any object type that implements the interface must have these shared properties or provide a mapping from a local property to the interface shared property. If a shared property required for the interface does not exist, you must create it.

  1. Select Save in the upper right corner to make the change to your Ontology.

If you want this interface to link to another interface or object type, you can optionally add any interface link types to the interface.

Add a link type constraint
  1. Select Link type constraints in the left side panel.
  2. Then, select Create new link type constraint in the top right corner.
Create a link type constraint

If an interface link type is required for your modeling use case, any object type that implements the interface must add a new or existing link type that satisfies the interface link type constraints.