You can use the verifyOntologyEditFunction()
API to verify edits performed by your function. You need to import it from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"
. This allows you to create unit tests around the workflows listed below.
You can use the .createsObjects
method to verify an object creation. Here's an example:
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import { MyFunctions } from ".." import { Objects , ExampleDataAirport } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; describe("example test suite", () => { const myFunctions = new MyFunctions(); test("create airport", () => { verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.createAirport("airportCode", "airportDisplayName")) .createsObject( { objectType: ExampleDataAirport, properties: { airport: "airportCode", displayAirportName: "airportDisplayName", }, }); }); });
This can be used to test the following function:
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import { Function, OntologyEditFunction, Edits } from "@foundry/functions-api"; import { Objects, ExampleDataAirport } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; export class MyFunctions { @Edits(ExampleDataAirport) @OntologyEditFunction() public createAirport(airport: string, displayName: string): void { const newAirport = Objects.create().exampleDataAirport(airport); newAirport.displayAirportName = displayName; } }
You can verify edits that are created involving a newly created object. For example, you may want to create a new ExampleDataFlight
objects and verify that the link is created to the new-flight-delay-0
. Here's an example:
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import { MyFunctions } from ".." import { Objects , ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; describe("example test suite", () => { const myFunctions = new MyFunctions(); test("single key with single created object", () => { const flight = Objects.create().exampleDataFlight("flightTest"); verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.createAndLinkDelays(flight, 1)) .createsObject({ objectType: ExampleFlightDelayEvent, properties: { eventId: "new-flight-delay-0", }, }) .addsLink(edits => ({ link: flight.flightDelayEvent, linkedObject: edits.createdObjects.byObjectType(ExampleFlightDelayEvent)[0], })) }); });
This can be used to test the following function:
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import { Function, Integer, OntologyEditFunction, Edits } from "@foundry/functions-api"; import { Objects, ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; export class MyFunctions { @Edits(ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent ) @OntologyEditFunction() public createAndLinkDelays(flight: ExampleDataFlight, numDelay: Integer): void { for (let n = 0; n < numDelay; n++) { const delay = Objects.create().exampleFlightDelayEvent(`new-flight-delay-${n}`); flight.flightDelayEvent.add(delay); } } }
You can verify edits to the property using .modifiesObjects
. Here's an example:
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import { MyFunctions } from ".." import { Objects , ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; describe("example test suite", () => { const myFunctions = new MyFunctions(); test("modifies aircraft of the flight", () => { const flight = Objects.create().exampleDataFlight("NY -> LA"); const oldAircraft = Objects.create().exampleDataAircraft("N11111"); flight.aircraft.set(oldAircraft); const newAircraft = Objects.create().exampleDataAircraft("A00000"); verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.assignAircraftToFlight(flight, newAircraft)) .modifiesObject( { object: flight, properties: { tailNumber: "A00000" } }) }); });
This can be used to test the following function:
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import { Function, OntologyEditFunction, Edits } from "@foundry/functions-api"; import { Objects, ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; export class MyFunctions { @Edits(ExampleDataFlight) @OntologyEditFunction() public assignAircraftToFlight(flight: ExampleDataFlight, aircraft: ExampleDataAircraft): void { flight.aircraft.clear(); aircraft.flight.set(flight); flight.tailNumber = aircraft.tailNumber; } }
You can ensure there are no other edits using the optional .hasNoMoreEdits()
. This means that only the specified edits are allowed, and the verification will fail if other edits are detected. Here's an example:
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import { MyFunctions } from ".." import { Objects , ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; describe("example test suite", () => { const myFunctions = new MyFunctions(); test("single key with linked object", () => { const flight = Objects.create().exampleDataFlight("flightAnotherTest"); const delay = Objects.create().exampleFlightDelayEvent("new-flight-delay") verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.linkDelays(flight, delay)) .addsLink({link: flight.flightDelayEvent, linkedObject: delay }) .hasNoMoreEdits(); }); });
When using .hasNoMoreEdits()
, you can ignore specific kinds of edits that take place. You do this by passing an object with some or all of the following:
ignoreExtraCreatedObjects: true
ignoreExtraModifiedObjects: true
ignoreExtraDeletedObjects: true
ignoreExtraLinkedObjects: true
ignoreExtraUnlinkedObjects: true
You can verify link creation on an object using .addsLink
. Here's an example:
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import { MyFunctions } from ".." import { Objects , ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; describe("example test suite", () => { const myFunctions = new MyFunctions(); test("single key with linked object", () => { const flight = Objects.create().exampleDataFlight("flightAnotherTest"); const delay = Objects.create().exampleFlightDelayEvent("new-flight-delay") verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.linkDelays(flight, delay)) .addsLink({link: flight.flightDelayEvent, linkedObject: delay }) .hasNoMoreEdits(); }); });
This test is equivalent to testing for the same link going in the opposite direction:
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import { MyFunctions } from ".." import { Objects , ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; describe("example test suite", () => { const myFunctions = new MyFunctions(); test("single key with linked object reverse", () => { const flight = Objects.create().exampleDataFlight("flightAnotherTest"); const delay = Objects.create().exampleFlightDelayEvent("new-flight-delay") verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.linkDelays(flight, delay)) .addsLink({link: delay.flight, linkedObject: flight }) .hasNoMoreEdits(); }); });
This can be used to test the following function:
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import { Function, OntologyEditFunction, Edits } from "@foundry/functions-api"; import { Objects, ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; export class MyFunctions { @Edits(ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent ) @OntologyEditFunction() public linkDelays(flight: ExampleDataFlight, delay: ExampleFlightDelayEvent): void { flight.flightDelayEvent.add(delay); } }
You can verify link removal from an object using .removesLink
. Here's an example:
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import { MyFunctions } from ".." import { Objects , ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; describe("example test suite", () => { const myFunctions = new MyFunctions(); test("test link removal", () => { const flight = Objects.create().exampleDataFlight("flightAnotherTest"); const delay = Objects.create().exampleFlightDelayEvent("new-flight-delay") flight.flightDelayEvent.add(delay); verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.removeAllDelays(flight)) .removesLink({link: flight.flightDelayEvent, unlinkedObject: delay }) .hasNoMoreEdits(); }); });
This can be used to test the following function:
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import { Function, OntologyEditFunction, Edits } from "@foundry/functions-api"; import { Objects, ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; export class MyFunctions { @Edits(ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent) @OntologyEditFunction() public removeAllDelays(flight: ExampleDataFlight): void { flight.flightDelayEvent.clear(); } }
You can verify deleting an object using .deletesObject
. Here's an example:
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import { MyFunctions } from ".." import { Objects , ExampleDataFlight } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; describe("example test suite", () => { const myFunctions = new MyFunctions(); test("test object deletion", () => { const flight = Objects.create().exampleDataFlight("flightAnotherTest"); verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.deleteFlight(flight)) .deletesObject(flight) .hasNoMoreEdits(); }); });
This can be used to test the following function:
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import { Function, OntologyEditFunction, Edits } from "@foundry/functions-api"; import { Objects, ExampleDataFlight } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; export class MyFunctions { @Edits(ExampleDataFlight) @OntologyEditFunction() public deleteFlight(flight: ExampleDataFlight): void { flight.delete(); } }
You can use the .createsObjects
method and pass in a list to create multiple objects to test on. Here's an example:
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import { MyFunctions } from ".." import { Objects , ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; describe("example test suite", () => { const myFunctions = new MyFunctions(); test("single key with many created objects", () => { const flight = Objects.create().exampleDataFlight("flightTest"); verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.createAndLinkDelays(flight, 3)) .createsObjects( [0, 1, 2].map(i => ({ objectType: ExampleFlightDelayEvent, properties: { eventId: "new-flight-delay-" + i, }, })), ) .addsLinks(edits => edits.createdObjects.byObjectType(ExampleFlightDelayEvent).map(event => ({ link: flight.flightDelayEvent, linkedObject: event, })), ) .hasNoMoreEdits(); }); });
This can be used to test the following function:
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import { Function, Integer, OntologyEditFunction, Edits } from "@foundry/functions-api"; import { Objects, ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; export class MyFunctions { @Edits(ExampleDataFlight, ExampleFlightDelayEvent ) @OntologyEditFunction() public createAndLinkDelays(flight: ExampleDataFlight, numDelay: Integer): void { for (let n = 0; n < numDelay; n++) { const delay = Objects.create().exampleFlightDelayEvent(`new-flight-delay-${n}`); flight.flightDelayEvent.add(delay); } } }
You can verify asynchronous ontology edits as follows:
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import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; test("test async edit function", async () => { const obj = Objects.create().objectWithAllPropertyTypes(1); (await verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.setDateAndTimestampToNow(obj))).modifiesObject({ object: obj, properties: { timestampProperty: makeTimestamp(), }, }); });
As we have seen in the examples above, we can chain verifications. The following pattern illustrates this:
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import { verifyOntologyEditFunction } from "@foundry/functions-testing-lib"; import { Objects, ExampleDataObject } from "@foundry/ontology-api"; test("multiple action edit", () => { verifyOntologyEditFunction(() => myFunctions.multistageEdits("objectId", "objectName")) .createsObject({...}) .modifiesObjects({...}) .addsLinks({...}) .removesLinks({...}) .deletesObject(...) .hasNoMoreEdits(); });