Search Functions

Search Functions enable users to quickly find and evaluate possible solutions to the specific, unique problems that arise in their scheduling workflow.

Each Search Function is backed by a TypeScript function. The flexible interface allows builders to write functions that can return pucks, time slots, or a combination of both. Additionally, Search Functions can be row-based or puck-based.

For row-based Search Functions, users must right-click on an empty space and pass in row object and time as function inputs. For puck-based Search Functions, users must right-click on a puck to pass in object and time as function inputs.

The image below displays the interface for a Search Function returning pucks.

Example: search function returning pucks

The image below displays the interface for a Search Function returning time slots.

Example: search function returning time slots

After a Search Function is executed, a new search group will be created in the Scheduling Gantt Chart with the results highlighted in yellow. Search groups can be collapsed and expanded by selecting the caret symbol (^) on the right side of the group header. Additionally, users can view search results in detail by selecting the Results Overview option to open a panel with the output of the Search Function, as displayed in the below image.

Search Function results overview interface.

Functions interface

The types below represent the necessary information to write a Search Function when triggered from either a row or a puck, including details about the search group.

type IPuckSearch = (puck: ObjectReference) => ISearchResult
type IRowSearch = (rowId: string, selectedTime: Timestamp) => ISearchResult

   Search Functions can return time slots, pucks, or both. SLOT and PUCK 
   are used as types in IHighlight.

export enum HighlightType {
    SLOT = "SLOT",
    PUCK = "PUCK",

   Used in IHighlight for functions that will return a set of timeslots.  

export interface IDomain {
    start: Long;
    end: Long;

   Used to determine what is highlighted in the UI after search function is run

export interface IHighlight {
    type: string;
    // needed for "SLOT"
    domain?: IDomain;
    containerId?: string;
    // needed for "PUCK"
    schedulableObjectPrimaryKey?: string;
    schedulableObjectTypeId?: string;
    // optional
    comment?: string;

   Defines the title of newly created search group and the rows the 
   function returns.
export interface IRowGroup {
    title: string;
    containerIds: string[];
    highlights: IHighlight[];

   Overall return type of function. 

export interface ISearchResult {
    rowGroup?: IRowGroup;
    sourcePuckIds?: string[];
    error?: string;