Visualization widgets

  • Chart: Pie: Visualize object data as a pie or donut chart.
  • Chart: XY: Visualize an object set as a configurable bar, line, or scatter chart with support for multiple series, axes, and styling options.
  • Chart: Vega: Charts built on top of the open-source Vega-Lite ↗ visualization grammar.
  • Map: Display an object set as a configurable, interactive geospatial visualization.
  • Gantt Chart: Display objects with time properties in a horizontal timeline view.
  • Markdown: Displays formatted text and can optionally configure object references in text.
  • Metric Card: Renders a configurable card to highlight key metrics.
  • Pivot Table: Enables the dynamic grouping and aggregation of object data and then displays this aggregated data in tabular form.
  • Resource List: Display various types of Foundry resources.
  • Stepper: Track progress of a task through a set of steps completed both linearly or non-linearly.
  • Timeline: Visualize temporal data, rendering objects as events a timeline.
  • Chart: Waterfall: Visualize object data as a waterfall chart.
  • Media Preview: Given a URL, Foundry RID, or Base64-encoded string, render a preview of the specified media (for example: PNG, JPEG, or PDF).
  • PDF Viewer: Render PDFs (portable document formats) with keyword search capabilities.
  • Image Annotation: Annotate images by drawing rectangles around areas of interest.
  • Status Tracker: Display statuses of a process on a timeline.
  • Free-form Analysis: Enable users to independently investigate object data with flexibility, within the framework of the Workshop application.
  • Linked Compass Resources: Renders Compass resources linked to an object.
  • Action Log Timeline: Renders object action logs in a temporal view.