User Select

Use the User Select widget for selection of user(s) through a single or multi-select dropdown menu.

User Select widget example

Configuration options

  • Label: Set an optional label for the widget to display text above the dropdown menu.
  • Placeholder: Set optional placeholder text to display in the widget’s empty selection state
  • Selected user(s):
    • If the selection is set to ‘Single’, the widget will be displayed as a single-select dropdown menu.
      • Output variable: The output variable of the widget that stores the user’s selected option. If the selection is set to ‘Single’, the output variable will be a string variable containing the ID of the selected user.
      • Allow clear: Toggle to enable/disable clearing of the selected dropdown menu option.
    • If the selection is set to ‘Multiple’, the widget will display as a multi-select dropdown menu.
      • Output variable: The output variable of the widget that stores the user’s selected option(s). If the selection is set to ‘Multiple’, the output variable will be a string array variable containing the ID(s) of the selected user(s).
    • Specify Multipass group IDs: Provide a string array variable of group IDs to filter users displayed in the dropdown to users in the specified groups. Users must have the View group membership role on the organization for configured groups or else they will see a permission error, see below.

Multipass group IDs permission

If multipass group IDs are provided, users need to have the View group membership permission on the group's Organization, or else they will see a permission error for this widget. This permission can be granted from Settings > Platform Settings > Organizations by selecting the Organization of interest and then choosing Manage for Organization permissions. Read more about managing groups here.