
The Stepper widget is used to help navigate the user through a multi-step workflow, displaying and tracking progress as they walk through a sequence of steps.

Stepper example

Configuration Options

  • Type
    • Linear: users are required to complete the steps in order
    • Non-linear: users can freely navigate between steps and complete them in any order
  • Steps
    • Create and define the configuration for each step of a workflow.
    • Label: sets the label to be displayed for the step in the widget
    • On click: set event(s) to be triggered when the step is clicked in the widget.
    • Is completed: set a boolean variable to be used a check to determine when a step has been completed.
    • Icon: set the icon to be displayed for the step.
  • Style
    • Template
      • Text only: displays ordered numbers for each step in the widget
      • Use icons: displays icons for each step in the widget. Icons can configured on a per-step basis.
    • Show step number: toggle on to also display step numbers on the widget when set to linear stepper type and set to use icons.
    • Completed color: sets the color for a step when it has been completed, triggered by when the boolean variable set for the step is true.
    • Active color: sets the color for the currently active step the user is on