The Prominent Terms widget is in the beta phase of development and may not be available on your enrollment. Functionality may change during active development. Contact Palantir Support to request access to this widget.
Use the Prominent Terms widget to define prominently-used terms and phrases to match on within an object set. Showcase the number of matched results, and use the widget as a way to define a custom set of terms for users to apply as filters.
Configuration options
Base object set: Define an object set from which to base the filter options.
Property: Select a property on which to filter.
Filter variable: An object set filter variable that contains the currently applied filtering criteria from the widget; this can be used to filter object set variables within this module.
Hide empty terms: Toggle to enable/disable hiding terms that return with no results.
Filter using value: The value on which to filter the object set, determining the total count of results returned to display in the term’s row. Note that the filter uses an exact match.
Display name: The name displayed in the term’s row.
Icon: Add an icon to display to in the term’s row.