Object List

The Object List widget is used to display object data in either a list or grid. Module builders configuring an Object List widget can:

  • Display data on one or multiple object types.
  • Choose which property types and linked objects are displayed and in what format.
  • Optionally choose an media property to display an image or icon for each object.
  • Set initial sorting criteria.
  • Display conditional formatting and numerical formatting options configured in the Ontology Manager.
  • Hide null properties on a per object basis to produce a more compact display.
  • Allow single- or multi-selection within the list.
  • Trigger Workshop events upon object selection within the list.

The screenshot below shows an example of a configured Object list widget displaying Flight Alert objects:


The screenshot below shows an example of an Object list widget displaying objects configured in a grid display with images:


The screenshot below shows an example of an Object list widget displaying objects configured in a list display with icons:


Configuration options

Here is a screenshot of the initial state of a newly added Object List widget alongside its initial configuration panel:


For the Object List widget, the core configuration options are the following:

  • Input data
    • Object set: This input variable determines the data that will be displayed within the widget. A module builder can either reuse an existing object set variable created elsewhere in this module or define a new object set variable inline. Many of the other configuration options shown below will only be configurable once this object set parameter has been populated.
  • Property configuration
    • Add media: You can optionally display images alongside object information. More information about media configuration options can be found below.
    • Add property: Selecting a property here will result in that property being displayed within the list.
    • Default sort(s): This setting allows up to one default sort to be applied within the list. Module builders can sort on both visible property types shown within the list or hidden property types not displayed.
    • Enable user sorting: If enabled, a subheader will be displayed above the list in which users can change the sorting criteria of the list. User can sort on both visible property types shown within the list or hidden property types not displayed.
    • Hide null properties: If enabled, null properties will be hidden on a per object basis within the list.
  • Selection
    • Active object: This is the first of two output variables for this widget and outputs a singleton object set of the currently active / highlighted row. This object set can then be used in downstream widgets within the current module.
    • Enable active object auto-selection: By default, the first row in the list is automatically set as the active object at load time. Disabling this setting prevents this and results in an empty Active object at load time.
    • Selected objects: This is the second of two output variables for this widget and outputs an object set of the currently checked / selected rows. This object set can the be used in downstream widgets within the current module. Note that this output variable will only be in use and populated if the Enable multi-select toggle is set to true.
    • On active object selection: This option enables module builders to configure Workshop events to trigger when a row is selected in the list, such as causing a drawer with a more detailed object view to appear.
    • Enable multi-select: If enabled, this toggle allows multiple objects to be checked / selected by users in the list. This selected object set is then output via the Selected objects object set for use in downstream widgets within the current module.
  • Display & formatting
    • Title: If populated, a sub-header will be displayed above the list with the string title entered here.
    • Show object count: If enabled, a sub-header will be displayed above the list with the count of objects contained with the input object set variable displayed.
    • Widget display: By default, displays objects in a list, but can also display objects in a grid where the number of rows, size of each object card in the grid, and space between cards in the grid can be specified.
    • Property style: By default, properties are displayed inline with their values, but can also be displayed with their values aligned.
    • Empty state message: Customize an empty state message when there are no objects for this widget to display.

Media configuration options


For the Object List widget, the media configuration options are the following:

  • Property: This is the property of the object set that contains the images to be displayed. Currently, image URLs, image attachments, and media reference properties are supported.
  • Media display: The media chosen can be displayed as a large image, or as an icon to replace the Ontology icon next to the object title.
  • Enable expanded image preview: If enabled, the image can be expanded and viewed in full inside of a modal.
  • Show properties on image hover: If enabled, hovering will reveal additional properties to be displayed in an overlay on top of the image.
  • Image position: Images can be displayed in a variety of locations, and have their height or width controlled to a fixed size.
  • Resizing: Images can either be cropped to fill the space, or fit the container in order to show the full complete image without cropping.