Application builders can now provide translations for supported string types used within a Workshop application through the Translations feature. This feature allows for the localization (l10n) and internationalization (i18n) of Workshop applications into various languages manually or with the help of AIP Assist for enabled enrollments. Viewers will then be presented with a translated view of the module in their browser's locale if the Workshop application has been translated into that language using this feature.
To turn on the feature, navigate to the Settings tab in edit mode and toggle on Translations in the Advanced functionalities section. Once enabled, a new Translations tab will appear where application builders may configure translations for their module.
The following content in a Workshop application can be translated:
Translation of valid strings within a Workshop application may be done either manually by application builders or automatically-generated using AIP Assist for enabled enrollments.
Strings within the module may be manually translated by application builders. On selection of a target language, each translatable string detected within the module will be displayed with an input field to manually enter translations. Once translations are added, they can be previewed directly within the module for immediate review.
Strings within the module may also be translated using AIP Assist. In order to provide AIP Assist with the necessary context to perform the string translations, the starting language of the module must be defined and a target language must be set. The Translate option marked with the purple AIP Assist icon may then be used to automatically translate all translatable strings detected within the module using the help of AIP Assist. Translations can be immediately and directly previewed within the module for review and manual edits by the builder where necessary.
Once satisfied with the translations, the translations may then be Marked as complete essentially marking these strings as reviewed to application builders. Any new or modified strings detected in the module, for example, on the addition of a new button or on edit of a section header's title, will appear in the To translate section, separating them from the already-translated and reviewed strings.
Translated text may be previewed directly in the module in edit mode by navigating to the Translations tab and selecting the configured language of choice.