
The Time Widget category consist of the following widgets:

Calendar widget

The following tables offer usage details about the properties available to Calendar widgets.


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
areEventsAllDayAn Array of booleans that determine if the corresponding events are all-day events. All day events will appear in the “all-day” section of the views, and will only appear on days that are fully within the start and end times. Additionally, When all-day events are selected, their start and end times will reflect the adjusted time boundaries. For example: An all-day event from “January 1st 03:00” to “January 3rd 03:00” will render as “January 1st 00:00” to “January 3rd 00:00”.If left empty, events will default to All Day = false.jsonNoDirect Edit
dateRangeEnabledAdds the date range as a title for the Calendar that corresponds to the current view. This will be the day, week, or month currently displayed depending on the view.stringYesDirect Edit
defaultDateThe date that the calendar will default to on page load. If set to the empty string this will default the view to “today” thus causing the range to match the current date on page load.stringYesUser Interaction
eventEndsThe end times of each event.jsonYesDirect Edit
eventNamesThe names to display on each event.jsonYesDirect Edit
eventSeriesAn Array of labels (strings) that group events into series for styling. If left empty, events will be displayed using the default styles.jsonNoDirect Edit
eventStartsThe start times of each event.jsonYesDirect Edit
pagingEnabledAdds buttons which enable movement forwards and backwards by the current interval displayed, as well as a button to return to the current date.booleanYesDirect Edit
pagingYearEnabledAdds additional buttons which enable moving the currently viewed time range forwards or backwards by a full yearbooleanYesDirect Edit
selectedIndexThe index of the event selected on the calendar. “null” if no event selectednumberYesUser Interaction
viewDefaultThe view type (day, week, month) which will be rendered on application load. The dates displayed in this view are determined by the value of “defaultDate”. This defaults to the “Month” view.stringYesUser Interaction
viewTypeControls the views accessible via the Day & Week buttons if they are enabled. When the type is set to “List” events will display as a list of items on in the order they are given to the widget, rather than in the order of their start times. When the type is set to “Time” events will display as blocks spanning the hours during which the event occurs. The display type has no effect on the Month view.stringYesDirect Edit
viewSwitchingEnabledEnables/Disables the buttons for switching between day/week/month views. By default these buttons are enabled.booleanYesDirect Edit

Date Picker widget

The following tables offer usage details about the properties available to Date Picker widgets. Several examples follow the tables.


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
disabledSpecifies whether the user can interact with the widget. Defaults to false. Values are typically templated expressions that produce booleans (e.g. “{{w1.on}}”).booleanYesDirect Edit
displayFormatFormat to use for displaying the selection in the picker’s input box. Must be a valid moment.js format ↗.stringNoDirect Edit
maxDateThe maximum selectable date, formatted as a string. If left blank, then the default maximum date is used (Dec. 31st of this year). The date must be formatted using the ISO 8601 standard ↗.stringNoDirect Edit
minDateThe minimum selectable date, formatted as a string. If left blank, then the default minimum date is used (Jan. 1st, 20 years in the past). The date must be formatted using the ISO 8601 standard ↗.stringNoDirect Edit
placeholderThe text to use as a placeholder when no date is selected.stringYesDirect Edit
timeEnabledSpecifies whether or not a time picker should be shown with the date picker.booleanYesDirect Edit
timePickerPrecisionDetermines what the precision of the time picker should be.numberYesDirect Edit
valueThe current selection formatted as a string.stringYesUser Interaction
valueFormatThe output string format for the “value” field. Must be a valid moment.js format ↗. If not provided or set to null, ISO 8601 formatting will be used.stringNoDirect Edit


Date Picker

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "disabled": false, "displayFormat": "MM/DD/YYYY", "timeEnabled": false, "value": "2014-09-10T05:00:00.000Z" }

Date Picker with time enabled

1 2 3 4 5 6 { "disabled": false, "timeEnabled": true, "value": "2014-09-10 13:00", "valueFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" }


1 2 3 4 5 6 { "disabled": false, "timeEnabled": false, "value": "", "valueFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD" }

Date Range Picker widget

The following tables offer usage details about the properties available to Date Range Picker widgets. Several examples follow the tables.


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
disabledSpecifies whether the user can interact with the widget. Defaults to false. Values are typically templated expressions that produce booleans (e.g. “{{w1.on}}”).booleanYesDirect Edit
displayFormatFormat for displaying the dates. Must be a valid moment.js format ↗.stringNoDirect Edit
fromDateValueThe current ‘from’ date selection, formatted as a string. The date must be formatted using the ISO 8601 standard ↗.stringYesUser Interaction
maxDateThe maximum date the user can select in the date picker, formatted as a string. If left blank, then the default maximum date is used (Dec. 31st of this year). The date must be formatted using the ISO 8601 standard ↗.stringNoDirect Edit
minDateThe minimum date the user can select in the date picker, formatted as a string. If left blank, then the default minimum date is used (Jan. 1st, 20 years in the past). The date must be formatted using the ISO 8601 standard ↗.stringNoDirect Edit
shortcutLabelsNames of the shortcut ranges to display when shortcuts are shown, e.g. ‘Last 3 Days’ or ‘Last 3 Months’. If no labels are given, then the default shortcut ranges and labels are used.string[]YesDirect Edit
shortcutRangesDate ranges for each shortcut. Each range must be formatted using the ISO 8601 standard ↗[from_date_string, to_date_string], e.g. [‘2016-05-01’, ‘2016-05-10’] or [‘2016-05-01 16:00’, ‘2016-05-01 18:00’]string[][]NoDirect Edit
shortcutsEnabledDetermines whether date range shortcuts (e.g. Last 3 Days, Last 3 Months, etc.) are shown.booleanNoDirect Edit
toDateValueThe current ‘to’ date selection, formatted as a string. The date must be formatted using the ISO 8601 standard ↗.stringYesUser Interaction
timeEnabledSpecifies whether a time picker should be shown with the date picker.booleanYesDirect Edit
timePickerPrecisionDetermines the precision of the time picker.numberYesDirect Edit


Date Range Picker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 { "disabled": false, "displayFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD", "fromDateValue": "2016-09-10T05:00:00.000Z", "maxDate": "2020-01-01", "minDate": "2000-01-01", "shortcutsEnabled": false, "timeEnabled": false, "toDateValue": "2016-10-10T05:00:00.000Z" }

Date Range Picker with time and shortcuts enabled

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 { "disabled": false, "displayFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:sss a", "fromDateValue": "2016-09-10T05:13:11.001Z", "shortcutLabels": ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"], "shortcutRanges": [ ["2015-10-01", "2015-12-31"], ["2016-01-01", "2016-03-31"], ["2016-04-01", "2016-06-30"], ["2016-07-01", "2016-09-30"] ], "shortcutsEnabled": true, "timeEnabled": true, "timePickerPrecision": 0, "toDateValue": "2016-10-10T05:14:11.002Z" }


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { "disabled": false, "displayFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD", "fromDateValue": null, "shortcutsEnabled": false, "timeEnabled": false, "timePickerPrecision": 0, "toDateValue": null }

Timeline widget

The following tables offer usage details about the properties available to Timeline widgets. Several examples follow the tables.


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
cssClassesAn array of class names, each to be added to its respective event on the timeline.string[]NoDirect Edit
datesAn array of dates, denoting the events to display on the timeline. Will be displayed in the order provided.any[]YesDirect Edit
detailsSupporting details to be displayed underneath corresponding event title.string[]NoDirect Edit
titlesThe names/titles of the events to be displayed on the timeline.string[]YesDirect Edit



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 { "cssClasses": [ "green", "red", "green" ], "dates": "{{query1.dates}}", "details": [ "this first event was spectacular", null, "the third event was alright" ], "titles": "{{query1.titles}}" }


1 2 3 4 5 6 { "cssClasses": [], "dates": [], "details": [], "titles": [] }