
The Chart Widget category comprises the following widgets:

This page contains information on the properties available to Chart widgets, as well as examples of widgets and common CSS.

Chart Widget Properties

The following tables offer usage details about the properties available to Chart widgets.

AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
dataSelectionEnabledSpecifies whether the user can select bars and scatter points. Legend selection is also available in “Multiple” mode. Selected data is exposed through the chart’s property.(Disabled if Pan/Zoom is enabled)booleanYesDirect Edit
dataSelectionModeSpecifies data selection behavior. “Single” mode allows only single click interactions. “Multiple” mode allows rectangular box selection and cmd/ctrl+click interactions.(Disabled if Pan/Zoom is enabled)stringNoDirect Edit
animateSpecifies whether the chart data will animate upon load, change, and refresh.booleanYesDirect Edit
areaSelectionEnabledSpecifies whether the user can draw an area selection on the chart. (Disabled if axis type is ‘Category’, Data Selection is ‘Multiple’, there are multiple axes, or if Pan/Zoom is enabled)booleanYesDirect Edit
autorangePanZoomEnabledWhen Pan and Zoom is enabled for a single axis, autorange can be applied to dynamically scale the second axis to fit the data.booleanYesDirect Edit
datasetsSee IDatasetModel and its subtypes below.IDatasetModel[]YesDirect Edit
zeroBoundYAxisEnabledAllows quantitative charts with datasets that do not span across a Y-value of 0 to have a Y-axis bound by 0. Warning: disabling this option could lead to visually misleading charts.booleanYesDirect Edit
hoverWhen tooltipsEnabled = true, this property determines the value you are hovering over. In order to link to this variable elsewhere, you must first declare it through the template “hover”: { “xValue”: null, “yValue”: null }. For more information, see IHover. Note that hover works for all charts except stackedArea. Also note that hover defaults to the yValue.IHoverNoUser Interaction
labelsEnabledEnables static labels. Available for bar charts only. Options include “start”, “middle”, “end”, or “outside”.booleanYesDirect Edit
labelsPositionSpecifies the position of the bar chart labels. Options include “start”, “middle”, “end”, or “outside”.stringNoDirect Edit
legendEnabledEnables displaying a legend. Available options for the position include “top”, “bottom”, “left”, or “right”.booleanYesDirect Edit
legendPositionPosition of the legend. Available options include “top”, “bottom”, “left”, or “right”.stringNoDirect Edit
panZoomEnabledSpecifies whether the chart should allow panning and zooming. Available for numerical axes only. Disabling this option will reset the scales. Scales are not persistent across saves. (Disabled if Data Selection is enabled, Area Selection is enabled, or if all axes types are ‘Category’)booleanYesDirect Edit
panZoomAxesThe axes for which panning and zooming are enabled. Available options are “X and Y”, “X Only”, or “Y Only”.stringNoDirect Edit
selection.areaThe current area selection. This is relevant only if Area Selection is enabled. See IAreaSelection below.IAreaSelectionNoUser Interaction
selection.dataThe currently selected chart data. This is relevant only if Data Selection is enabled. See IDataSelection below.IDataSelectionNoUser Interaction
tooltipsEnabledSpecifies whether tooltips are enabled. Tooltips will display the data value set by hover (with the y-value as the default).booleanYesDirect Edit
tooltipTextThe text displayed in tooltips (tooltipsEnabled must be true). This is commonly used to display hover values. If tooltipText is omitted or an empty string, then the tooltip will display the yValue in all charts except horizontal bar charts (where it will show the xValue).stringNoDirect Edit
xAxesArray of x-axes.IAxis[]YesDirect Edit
yAxesArray of y-axes.IAxis[]YesDirect Edit
titleThe title of the chart.stringNoDirect Edit


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
formatterFormat axis ticks. Format string depends on the type of axis: For linear/log see the Numeral.js documentation ↗; For time series see the moment.js documentation ↗; Not available for category; decimal precision is limited to 20 digits.stringNoDirect Edit
gridlinesEnabledSpecifies whether gridlines should be shown for an axis. Currently available for non-category axes onlybooleanYesDirect Edit
betweenTicksSpecifies whether the alignment of the gridlines for the axis is between the ticks and defaults to false and renders the gridlines on the ticksbooleanYesDirect Edit
nameName of the axis, referred to by xAxisName and yAxisName in ISeries.stringYesDirect Edit
positionPosition of the axis. For x-axes, position can be top or bottom. For y-axes, left or right.stringYesDirect Edit
labelLabel associated with the axis.stringNoDirect Edit
scaleAxis type. For y-axes (position left and right), scale can be linear, modifiedlog, or category. For x-axes (position top and bottom), scale can also be timeseries. Note: Currently timeseries scale expects dates as integers representing ms after the epoch. SQL date format often arrives in Slate as a string, so if a time chart isn’t working try casting as an integer as follows: MySQL: SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_column)*1000 AS date_number or Postgres: SELECT EXTRACT(epoch FROM date_column)*1000 AS date_number. Remember to update xValues to the newly created number column in the above examples, “{{query1.date_number}}}”stringNoDirect Edit
scaleMaxMaximum value for axis (if unspecified, the axis will autorange).numberNoDirect Edit
scaleMinMinimum value for axis (if unspecified, the axis will autorange).numberNoDirect Edit
tickIntervalInterval between tick values. Available for axes with a linear scale only.numberNoDirect Edit
tickLabelAngleRotates the tick label for Category Axis: 90, 0 and 90. Available for axes with a category scale only.numberNoDirect Edit
visibleSpecifies whether the axis should be shown.booleanYesDirect Edit
maxZoomSpanMaximum span of values the axis will display when zooming out. Zoom-out not possible beyond this value.numberNoDirect Edit
minZoomSpanMinimum span of values the axis will display when zooming in. Zoom-in not possible beyond this value.numberNoDirect Edit


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
selectedWhether or not area is selected.booleanYesUser Interaction
xMaxThe maximum x-value of area selection.numberYesUser Interaction
xMinThe minimum x-value of area selection.numberYesUser Interaction
yMaxThe maximum y-value of area selection.numberYesUser Interaction
yMinThe minimum y-value of area selection.numberYesUser Interaction


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
nameThe name of the dataset. Used as a legend label if no series values are specified. Plot visuals are CSS-classed with this name.stringYesDirect Edit
rendererThe renderer used to draw the dataset.stringYesDirect Edit
seriesColorsAn array of color values which maps to the array of series names specified in the “Series Names” field. Colors can be specified either as hex (e.g. “#FF0000”) or as CSS color names (e.g. “red”).If no series names are specified in the “Series Names” array, the first color specified in the color array will color the entire chart. If no color values are specified the chart will use the default Blueprint color schemestring[]NoDirect Edit
seriesNamesAn array of unique series names which the array of colors specified in the “Colors” field maps onto.any[]NoDirect Edit
seriesValuesAn array of labels (numbers or strings) that group data into “series.”A stacked bar dataset with x = [1, 1], y = [1, 2], and series = [“series1”, “series2”] will generate one stack at x=1 with the “series2” bar on top of the “series1” bar.A line dataset with multiple series will generate multiple lines.any[]NoDirect Edit


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
labelsAn array of labels that correspond to the chart values.any[]YesDirect Edit


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
endValuesThe data that is used for the end values.any[]YesDirect Edit
startValuesThe data that is used for the start values.any[]YesDirect Edit


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
radiusValuesFor scatter renderer, the data that determines the radius of the scatter point.number[]NoDirect Edit
xAxisNameThe name of the x-axis associated with this series. Defaults to first x-axis if not specified.stringNoDirect Edit
xValuesThe data that is used for the x-values.any[]YesDirect Edit
yAxisNameThe name of the y-axis associated with this series. Defaults to the first y-axis if not specified.stringNoDirect Edit
yValuesThe data that is used for the y-values.any[]YesDirect Edit
symbolValuesFor scatter renderer, the shape of each scatter point. Valid values are “circle”, “square”, “diamond”, “cross”, “triangle”, “wye” and “star”. If using a legend, the last symbol of a series will be used as the symbol of the legend. If the last symbol is not valid or undefined, then the legend will default to a circle.string[]NoDirect Edit


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
indexThe index in the associated dataset currently hovered over in a chart.numberYesUser Interaction
xValueThe x-value currently hovered over in a chart.anyYesUser Interaction
yValueThe y-value currently hovered over in a chart.anyYesUser Interaction


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
indicesThe indices of values selected in the data provided.number[]YesUser Interaction
xValuesThe discrete x-values selected by clicking.any[]YesUser Interaction
yValuesThe discrete y-values selected by clicking.any[]YesUser Interaction


Action NameDescription
redrawTriggering this actions causes chart to redraw

Chart Widget Examples


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 { "animate": true, "areaSelectionEnabled": false, "dataSelectionEnabled": false, "datasets": [ { "name": "dataset1", "renderer": "line", "xValues": [], "yValues": [] } ], "labelsEnabled": false, "panZoomEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "xAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "x1", "position": "bottom", "scale": "linear" } ], "yAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "y1", "scale": "linear", "position": "left" } ] }

Bar Chart with Legend

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 { "animate": true, "areaSelectionEnabled": false, "dataSelectionEnabled": false, "datasets": [ { "name": "dataset1", "renderer": "bar", "xValues": "{{query1.state}}", "yValues": "{{query1.avgIncome}}" } ], "labelsEnabled": false, "legendPosition": "top", "panZoomEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "xAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "x1", "position": "bottom", "label": "State", "scale": "category" } ], "yAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "y1", "formatter": "$0,0.00", "position": "left", "label": "Average Income ($)", "scale": "linear", "scaleMax": 1000000, "scaleMin": 10000 } ] }

Stacked Bar Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 { "animate": true, "areaSelectionEnabled": false, "dataSelectionEnabled": false, "datasets": [ { "name": "dataset1", "renderer": "stackedBar", "seriesValues": "{{query1.gender}}", "xValues": "{{query1.state}}", "yValues": "{{query1.avgIncome}}" } ], "labelsEnabled": false, "panZoomEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "xAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "x1", "position": "bottom", "label": "State", "scale": "category" } ], "yAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "y1", "formatter": "$0,0.00", "position": "left", "label": "Average Income ($)", "scale": "linear", "scaleMax": 1000000, "scaleMin": 10000 } ] }

Horizontal Bar Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 { "animate": true, "areaSelectionEnabled": false, "dataSelectionEnabled": false, "datasets": [ { "name": "dataset1", "renderer": "horizontalBar", "xValues": "{{query1.avgIncome}}", "yValues": "{{query1.state}}" } ], "labelsEnabled": false, "panZoomEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "xAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "x1", "position": "bottom", "label": "Average Income ($)", "scale": "linear", } ], "yAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "y1", "position": "left", "label": "State", "scale": "category" } ] }

Multiple Series Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 { "areaSelectionEnabled": false, "dataSelectionEnabled": false, "datasets": [ { "name": "dataset1", "renderer": "line", "seriesValues": "{{query1.series}}", "xValues": "{{query1.key}}", "yValues": "{{query1.doc_count}}" } ], "labelsEnabled": false, "panZoomEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "xAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "x1", "position": "bottom", "scale": "linear" } ], "yAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "y1", "scale": "linear", "position": "left" } ] }

Scatter Plot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 { "animate": true, "areaSelectionEnabled": false, "dataSelectionEnabled": false, "datasets": [ { "name": "dataset1", "radiusValues": "{{query1.pop}}", "renderer": "scatter", "xValues": "{{query1.gdp}}", "yValues": "{{query1.cpi}}" } ], "labelsEnabled": false, "panZoomEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "xAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "x1", "position": "bottom", "scale": "linear" } ], "yAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "y1", "scale": "linear", "position": "left" } ] }

Tutorial: Add a scatter plot widget

Say that you want to create a scatter plot widget to display route metrics that show distance and time values. Select the Widget button in the upper left corner, then choose Chart > Scatter Plot to add a Scatter Plot widget to your application. It will be pre-populated with some example data that you can clear from the right editor panel before continuing.

First, rename the Chart widget to something easy to identify, like w_routeMetrics.

We want to plot the average distance of the routes along the x-axis. This means that you must set X Values to "{{q_routeMetrics.avg_distance}}".

Next, plot the routes duration along the y-axis. Set Y Values to "{{q_routeMetrics.avg_time}}" in the Data tab.

To make the scatter plot easier to read, add labels to your axes. Select the Axes tab and change the Name of the first X Axes object from x1 to Distance, and add a label such as Distance (miles) to describe the plotted information. You can also turn on gridlines to help identify where each point lies on the chart.


Name your Y Axis Duration, and configure it as follows:


Finally, give your points different sizes. We want the points to vary by how busy the route is. To do this, switch back to the Data tab and set Radius to "{{q_routeMetrics.num_flights}}".

Exame the chart again. Something seems wrong, since the chart is now filled. This is because the Radius value is drawing 1:1 between the value provided and the number of pixels for the radius, and some of our routes have over 150 flights. You must scale your radius values. You can do this by calculating a "display" value in you query. You could hardcode this, but using a Variable allows you easy to make later changes without editing the query.

Select the Variables tab across the top bar to open the Variables window. Create a new variable in the bottom right. Name the new variable v_routeCountDisplayScale and set a value of 100.

Return to the q_routeMetrics widget and add a new column:

COUNT(flight_id)/{{v_routeCountDisplayScale}} as num_flights_disp

While here, generate a display label for each row:

CONCAT(origin, ' -> ', dest) as route_name

Your entire query now looks like:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SELECT origin, dest, AVG(distance) as avg_distance, AVG(actual_elapsed_time) as avg_time, COUNT(flight_id) as num_flights, COUNT(flight_id)/{{v_routeCountDisplayScale}} as num_flights_disp, CONCAT(origin, ' -> ', dest) as route_name FROM "foundry_sync"."{{v_flightTable}}" GROUP BY origin, dest ORDER BY COUNT(flight_id) DESC LIMIT 50

Return to the w_routeMetrics widget and adjust the Radius configuration to reference the num_flights_disp column instead of num_flights.

To finalize the chart, add the title Route Metrics to the Title input at the top of the w_routeMetrics configuration panel.

You should end with an application that looks like the following:


Line Chart with X and Y Range

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 { "animate": true, "areaSelectionEnabled": false, "dataSelectionEnabled": false, "datasets": [ { "name": "dataset1", "renderer": "line", "xValues": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], "yValues": [3,4,1,4,5,4,2,4,1], "seriesValues": null, "xAxisName": "x1", "yAxisName": "y1" }, { "endValues": [3], "name": "dataset2", "renderer": "yRange", "startValues": [2] }, { "endValues": [3.5,8], "name": "dataset3", "renderer": "xRange", "startValues": [2.5,6], "seriesValues": ["Range A","Range B"] } ], "labelsEnabled": false, "panZoomEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "xAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": true, "name": "x1", "position": "bottom", "scale": "linear", "label": "", "formatter": "\"0\"" } ], "yAxes": [ { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "y1", "position": "left", "scale": "linear", "formatter": "\"0\"" } ] }

Heat Grid

The following tables offer usage details about the properties available to Heat Grid chart widgets. Several examples follow the tables.



AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
labelLabel associated with the axis.stringNoDirect Edit
positionPosition of the axis. For x-axes, position can be top or bottom. For y-axes, left or right.stringYesDirect Edit
visibleSpecifies whether the axis should be shown.booleanYesDirect Edit


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
cellValuesThe data that is used to determine the value of each cellnumber[]YesDirect Edit
colorScaleAn array of two or more colors used to create a linear gradient to color the heat grid cells. Example: with cellValues = [0, 5, 10] and a color array of [“red”, “blue”] the resulting colors will be: red, purple, blue. Colors can be specified either as hex (e.g. “#FF0000”) or as CSS color names (e.g. “red”). If unspecified or less than two colors, the default color range used is 50% opacity of Blueprint’s @blue5 (#B9D7EA) to @blue1 (#1f6b9a)string[]YesDirect Edit
labelFormatLabel format on heat grid cells. Uses the Numeral.js ↗ format string. Ex. $0.00 will format 1000.23 as $1000.23. Decimal precision is limited to 20 digits.stringNoDirect Edit
labelsEnabledEnables static labels using the value of each cell as the default text.booleanYesDirect Edit
legendLabelText to use in legend labelstringNoDirect Edit
legendPositionPosition of the legend. Available options include “top”, “bottom”, “left”, or “right”. If not specified, the legend will not display.stringNoDirect Edit
selectionThe values for the selected heat grid cells. This is relevant only if selection is enabled and the user has made a selection. See IHeatGridSelection below.IHeatGridSelectionNoUser Interaction
selectionEnabledSpecifies whether the user can select cells on the heat grid.booleanYesDirect Edit
selectionModeSpecifies selection behavior. “Single” mode allows only single click interactions. “Multiple” mode allows cmd/ctrl+click interactions.stringNoDirect Edit
xAxisCategory scale x-axis (see IAxis)IAxisYesDirect Edit
xValuesThe data associated with the x-coordinate of each cell.any[]YesDirect Edit
yAxisCategory scale y-axis (see IAxis).IAxisYesDirect Edit
yValuesThe data associated with the y-coordinate of each cell.any[]YesDirect Edit
titleThe title of the chart.stringNoDirect Edit


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
cellValuesThe discrete cellValues selected by clicking.number[]YesUser Interaction
indicesThe indices of values selected in the data provided.number[]YesUser Interaction
xValuesThe discrete x-values selected by clicking.any[]YesUser Interaction
yValuesThe discrete y-values selected by clicking.any[]YesUser Interaction


Action NameDescription
redrawTriggering this actions causes chart to redraw


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 { "cellValues": [], "colorScale": ["#B9D7EA", "#1F6B9A"], "labelsEnabled": false, "xAxis": { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "x1", "position": "bottom", "scale": "category", "visible": true }, "xValues": [], "yAxis": { "gridlinesEnabled": false, "name": "y1", "position": "bottom", "scale": "category", "visible": true }, "yValues": [] }

Pie Chart

The following tables offer usage details about the properties available to Pie Chart widgets. Several examples follow the tables.


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
colorsAn array of color values which maps to the array of key values specified in the “Keys” field. Colors can be specified either as hex (e.g. “#FF0000”) or as CSS color names (e.g. “red”). If no color values are specified the chart will use the default Blueprint color schemestring[]NoDirect Edit
hoverWhen tooltipsEnabled = true, this property contains data associated with the pie slice being hovered over. For more information, see IPieHover.IPieHoverNoUser Interaction
innerPaddingThe fraction of the radius used to create a doughnut hole.numberNoDirect Edit
keysThe keys displayed in the legend.any[]YesDirect Edit
labelFormatLabel format on pie chart slices. Uses the Numeral.js ↗ format string. Ex. $0.00 will format 1000.23 as $1000.23. Decimal precision is limited to 20 digits.stringNoDirect Edit
labelsEnabledEnables static labels on pie slicesbooleanYesDirect Edit
legendPositionThe position of the legend.stringYesDirect Edit
selectionThe values for the selected pie slices. This is relevant only if selection is enabled and the user has made a selection. See IPieSelection below.IPieSelectionNoUser Interaction
selectionEnabledSpecifies whether the user can select pie slices and legend entries.booleanYesDirect Edit
selectionModeSpecifies selection behavior. “Single” mode allows only single click interactions. “Multiple” mode allows cmd/ctrl+click interactions.stringNoDirect Edit
tooltipsEnabledSpecifies whether tooltips are enabled. By default, the text of the tooltip will be the value of the pie slice being hovered onbooleanYesDirect Edit
tooltipTextThe text displayed in tooltips (tooltipsEnabled must be true). This is commonly used to display hover values. If tooltipText is omitted or an empty string, then the tooltip will display the valueassociated with the pie slicestringNoDirect Edit
valuesThe values that determine the size of each slice.number[]YesDirect Edit
titleThe title of the chart.stringNoDirect Edit


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
indexThe index of the pie slice being hovered over.numberYesUser Interaction
keyThe key of the pie slice being hovered over.anyYesUser Interaction
valueThe value of the pie slice being hovered over.numberYesUser Interaction


AttributeDescriptionTypeRequiredChanged By
indicesThe indices of values selected in the data provided.number[]YesUser Interaction
keysThe associated keys selected by clicking.any[]YesUser Interaction
valuesThe discrete values selected by clicking.number[]YesUser Interaction


Action NameDescription
redrawTriggering this actions causes chart to redraw


Pie Plot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { "keys": "{{query1.teamName}}", "labelsEnabled": false, "legendPosition": "right", "selectionEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "values": "{{query1.headCount}}" }

Doughnut Plot

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { "innerPadding": 0.6, "keys": "{{query1.teamName}}", "labelsEnabled": false, "legendPosition": "right", "selectionEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "values": "{{query1.headCount}}" }


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 { "keys": [], "labelsEnabled": false, "legendPosition": "right", "selectionEnabled": false, "tooltipsEnabled": false, "values": [] }

Tree map

The tree map widget provides a flexible way to visualize hierarchical data in a set of nested rectangles. It is useful for spotting patterns otherwise hard to uncover in other visualizations.

A tree map is used to visualize an absolute quantity (size) for a given entity (label), which may be part of some (optional) category with some (optional) relative quantity (density). Each cell’s rectangle has: an area proportional to the size; a color defined by the density and category; and a name given by label.

Some examples of datasets which could be visualized with this chart:

  • Stocks (label) part of an industry (category) that have some share of the market (size) and have had some percentage price change (density)


  • Factory locations (label) by region (category) that produce some quantity of goods (size) with a false positive ratio (density)


  • Nodes of a cluster (label) with storage space (size) and some percentage storage space utilization (density)


  • Population sizes (size) of countries (label) belonging to some world region (category)


Data Configuration

  • label (optional): the name displayed on each cell
  • size: determines the size of the cell rectangle
  • density (optional): determines the shading of the cell’s color
  • category (optional): determines the grouping of cells, which decides the cell’s color

In the default example, the cell rectangles corresponds to the cell size. There are two categories, I and II. Notice that H has the largest size (45), and is therefore the biggest rectangle. H also has the smallest density (3), so it is the darkest color (the gradient can be flipped with a checkbox under color panels).



Color Configuration

There are different coloring configurations available based on if categories and/or densities are enabled.

Category enabled and density enabled

When both categories and densities are enabled, colors of cells are defined according to gradients in the Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) ↗ color space. For each category a hue is defined. A list of hues (number between 0 and 360) or a dictionary mapping category names to hues can be provided. All categories' gradients then uses the same defined starting saturation and value. The gradient is defined using gradient type (brighten, darken, saturate, desaturate) and the strength of the gradient.



Only category enabled

With only categories enabled, you can specify a list of colors or a dictionary mapping category name to color for the categories.

The colors can be hex (#FF0000, #00FF00) or canonical (e.g. red, green).



Only density Enabled

With only densities enabled, you can define a list of colors which will be applied as range with gradient. You must provide two colors at a minimum to define the color gradient, though more can be provided to more finely define this color gradient.

The colors can be hex (#FF0000, #00FF00) or canonical (e.g. red, green).



Category disabled and density disabled

With both categories and densities disabled, you can define a list of colors which is the color palette. It must be a list of colors of same length as number of data points.

The colors can be hex (#FF0000, #00FF00) or canonical (e.g. red, green).



Miscellaneous Configuration

Optional miscellaneous configurations are possible:

  • Cell styling

    • Border width of each cell
    • Border color
    • Labels for the cell
    • Tooltips for the cell
  • Legends

    • Legend position (top, bottom, left, right)
    • Legend label (for title of the legend)
  • Tiling strategy for how the cells are generated. Tiling strategies are defined by d3 ↗: Binary, Dice, Resquarify, Slice, Slice Dice, Squarify.

  • Selection (multiple or single)




In these series of examples, an investor wants to visualize the holdings of their portfolio. The data has several dimensions: the name of the stock (label), the amount invested in each stock (size), the percentage change in the stock price (density), and the industry of the stock (category).

We load this data into the Tree Map chart widget:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 labels: ["MSFT", "AAPL", "NFLX", "AMZN", "GS", "MS", "BLK", "JPM", "XOM", "BP"] sizes: [10, 20, 5, 25, 8, 15, 18, 30, 10, 40] densities: [8, 15, -10, 10, 3, -5, -3, 4, 20, 8] categories: ["Tech", "Tech", "Tech", "Tech", "Finance", "Finance", "Finance", "Finance", "Energy", "Energy"]

Example 1 with category and density enabled



Example 2 with only density enabled

In this configuration the portfolio analyst can look at which equities have had the largest changes in price.



Example 3 with only category enabled

In this configuration the portfolio analyst can look at which industry is most represented with in the portfolio and which equities represent the largest holdings within those industries.

It is worth noting that you can use the configuration to offer a more granular representation of the data. For example, one could visualize the size of equities within the portfolio and color them according to Red, Amber, Green risk ratings.



Example 4 with category and density diabled

In this configuration, the portfolio analyst would simply see how large a share of the portfolio each equity represents. This is by default effectively the same as a pie chart.

It is worth noting that if a custom color strategy is required (beyond what is by default configurable), this configuration could be used by providing the color for each square individually.



Common CSS

Line charts

Series colors:

1 .line-plot .render-area g:nth-of-type(1) path {stroke: #6a2d9f;}.line-plot .render-area g:nth-of-type(2) path {stroke:#c993f1;}

Legend colors:

1 .legend .legend-row .legend-entry:nth-of-type(1) path {fill: #6a2d9f;}


1 .legend .legend-row .legend-entry:nth-of-type(2) path,.legend .content .legend-row:nth-of-type(2) path {fill: #c993f1;}


Bar charts

The following applies to stacked, clustered, and regular bar charts.

Bar colors:

1 .bar-plot .render-area g:nth-of-type(1) rect,.bar-plot:nth-of-type(1) .render-area rect {fill: #6a2d9f;}.bar-plot .render-area g:nth-of-type(2) rect,.bar-plot:nth-of-type(2) .render-area rect {fill: #c993f1;}

Legend colors:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .legend .legend-row .legend-entry:nth-of-type(1) path { fill: #6a2d9f; } .legend .legend-row .legend-entry:nth-of-type(2) path, .legend .content .legend-row:nth-of-type(2) path { fill: #c993f1; }


Area charts

The following applies to stacked and regular area charts.

Area colors:

1 .area-plot .render-area g:nth-of-type(1) path,.area-plot:nth-of-type(1) path {fill: #009900;}.area-plot .render-area g:nth-of-type(2) path,.area-plot:nth-of-type(2) path {fill: #99CC00;}

Line colors:

1 .area-plot:nth-of-type(1) .area,.line-plot .render-area g:nth-of-type(1) path {stroke: #009900;}.area-plot:nth-of-type(1) .area,.line-plot .render-area g:nth-of-type(2) path {stroke: #99CC00;}

Legend colors:

1 .legend .legend-row .legend-entry:nth-of-type(1) path {fill: #009900;}


1 .legend .legend-row .legend-entry:nth-of-type(2) path,.legend .content .legend-row:nth-of-type(2) path {fill: #99CC00;}


Pie charts

A slice can be selected by index or CSS classname (sanitized label name is used as CSS classname)

Styling by Index:

Pie slice colors:

1 .pie-plot .render-area .arc:nth-of-type(1) {fill: #009900;}


1 .arc:nth-of-type(2) { fill: #99CC00; }

Legend colors:

1 2 sl-pie .legend .legend-row:nth-of-type(1) path { fill: #009900; } sl-pie .legend .legend-row:nth-of-type(2) path { fill: #99CC00; }

Styling by Name:

Pie slice colors:

1 .pie-plot .render-area .arc._A {fill: #009900;}


1 .arc._B { fill: #99CC00; }

Legend colors:

1 2 sl-pie .legend .legend-row ._A path { fill: #009900; } sl-pie .legend .legend-row ._B path { fill: #99CC00; }
