The Queries Editor lets you query your data sources. Depending on the type of data source, you can write different queries in the Queries Editor. The below provides overviews and examples about how to write different types of queries, security considerations when using Handlebars in each type of query, and an introduction to query partials and conditional queries.
Foundry queries use the Foundry Synchronizer, which enforces read-only permissions on all synced tables; additionally, access to the individual tables respect the access granted at the dataset level in Foundry.
For datasources outside of Foundry, using Handlebars in queries raises security concerns because malicious users could perform injection attacks by replacing the contents of the template with harmful code. These queries therefore require additional security rules for Handlebars use - the rules are described in depth in the SQL queries and HTTP JSON queries sections below.
Additionally, any template that references user variables (e.g. {{user.firstName}}
) gets its value from the server rather than accepting the value passed to the browser on login.
An example of a SQL security error:
An example of a HTTP JSON security error:
Using the Foundry Synchronizer is the recommended way to query your data from Foundry in Slate. This setup offers a Postgres instance within Foundry that allows you to write normal SQL queries to retrieve data from Foundry datasets after they have been made available as SQL tables using Foundry Synchronizer.
Note that you do not need to use any SQL security helpers.
Foundry Synchronizer can be controlled either from the Metadata View as mentioned in the Synchronization UI section of the Foundry Synchronizer documentation or from Slate directly by adding a dataset and interacting with Foundry Synchronizer from within the Datasets tab in Slate. The Datasets tab is automatically enabled when a Foundry data source has been added to Slate. To operate the UI, add a dataset to Slate in the Datasets panel and have a look at the Sync to Postgres section.
Click the Apply and sync button.
Once the sync has completed, the Postgres panel inside the Datasets tab will show an example SQL query to paste into the Slate queries tab. The limit is included as a precaution against accidentally querying more data than desired; you may remove it in your actual query in Slate. Refer to the Synchronization UI documentation itself for more details on how to interact with Foundry Synchronizer through the UI for operations like creation of indices and customization of table name.
When querying Phonograph tables backing object types, considering using the object set to filter, aggregate, and sort objects.
Phonograph is a datasource-type that interacts with Foundry data synchronized to the Phonograph service, which provides an ElasticSearch-backed API for querying and writing changes to Foundry datasets.
See Writeback data from Slate to Foundry for a detailed walkthrough on using this service from Slate.
All handlebars templates in SQL queries (with the exception of those using Foundry datasources) must be enclosed by SQL security helpers or Handlebars Built-In Helpers ↗. You can find the full details for how and when to use each SQL security helper in SQL Helpers.
There are five helpers, which are schema, table, column, alias and param.
, table
: The schema
and table
helpers work very similarly. Given a name and a list of allowed names, the helpers check to make sure the name exists in the list of allowed names and in the corresponding information schema table. For example, the table helper checks if the table name exists in the list of allowed names and in information_schema.tables
or the corresponding schema table in your database. Specifying the list of allowed names prevents the query from accessing any schema/table that it should not access. You cannot template the allowed names, because this would defeat the purpose of the validation.Copied!1
SELECT column1 FROM {{schema someSchemaName 'allowedSchemaName1' 'allowedSchemaName2'}}.{{table someTableName 'allowedTableName1'}};
: The column
helper checks to make sure the name exists in information_schema.columns
or the corresponding schema table in your database.Copied!1
SELECT {{column someColumnName}} FROM table1;
: The alias
helper is used when you want to template an aliased schema, table or column name. Because the aliased name is not in the information schema, you must register it with Slate using the alias
helper; otherwise, the name can’t be validated. You could only use the alias
helper with constant strings and not references, i.e. {{alias 'someConstantString'}}
is allowed and {{alias someReference}}
is not. Templating it defeats the purpose of validating it in schema
, table
or column
because they could reference the same thing.Copied!1 2 3 4 5 6
SELECT column1 as {{alias 'aliasedColumnName'}} FROM table1 ORDER BY {{column someColumnName}} where someColumnName is 'aliasedColumnName' and 'aliasedColumnName' is not a valid column name in the database's schema.
: The param
helper replaces the template with a ‘?’ such that the values can be set later using a preparedStatement
. PreparedStatement is one of the safest way to protect against SQL injections. Notice that all values coming from the front end are numbers or strings, so to use a value with a type other than number or string in the query, you must cast the value to that type.Copied!1
SELECT column1 FROM table1 WHERE column1 > {{param value1}} and dateColumn1 < {{param value2}}::date
, table
or column
helper.When querying a SQL data source, the editor accepts any SQL command. Typically, you run a SELECT statement. For example:
SELECT name,diameter,period FROM allNamed;
Slate parses the resulting rows into JSON, a key for each column, so that they are accessible via handlebars.
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{ "name": [ "Undina", "Hekate" ], "diameter": [ 126.42, 88.66 ], "period": [ 5.68801089633658, 5.42957878301233 ] }
You can perform data transformations, such as basic string and math operations, by using SQL’s built-in functions ↗.
All HTTP JSON queries must conform to the following:
helper ensures that the value of the template could not escape its current scope. For example, it couldn’t close the block and add extra properties to the request.Copied!1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
{ "path": "path/to/api", "method": "POST", "bodyJson": { "filter": {{jsonStringify w1.text}} }, "extractors": { "result": "$" }, "headers": { "Custom_Header": "my custom header value" } }
An example to use it to template as part of a property:
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{ "path": "path/to/api", "method": "POST", "bodyJson": { "filter": {{#jsonStringify}}some text plus {{w1.text}}{{/jsonStringify}} }, "extractors": { "result": "$" }, "headers": { "Custom_Header": "my custom header value" } }
is not allowed in the path. This ensures that the query path does not index to any parent scope and does not access information that shouldn’t be accessed.The query for a HTTP JSON data source is an object that contains the following properties: path
, method
, bodyJson
, extractors
: the URL path to the data sourcequeryParams
: (optional) the map of key-value pairs to append to the URL when building the request (ie. “query”: “something” would append ?query=something to the path
). Note that when this map is not empty, query params should not be specified in the path
: the HTTP method used to make the request. Supported methods are GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT.bodyJson
: (optional) the JSON that’s sent as data to the API endpoint (e.g., how to format and aggregate the data). This field is not required if your data source endpoint doesn’t expect JSON.extractors
: the results the query returns. Uses JSONPath ↗ to determine what to extract. For example, to see the whole result, use "result": "$"
. For help writing JSONPath, consult the following tester ↗. For more information on JSONPath, see JSONPath examples ↗.headers
: (optional) A map of headers to set on the request. Authentication headers will be added on top of this list if present.Copied!1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
{"path": "astronomy/_comets", "queryParams": { "limit": 5, "text": "searchabc" }, "method": "GET", "bodyJson": { "fields" : ["name", "type", "date"], "query": { "type": "dust" } }, "extractors": { "name": "$.results[*]" }, "headers": { "Custom_Header": "my custom header value" } }
The following is an example using Elasticsearch.
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{ "path": "geologist/_search", "method": "POST", "bodyJson": { "query": { "prefix": { "request": "/daily/api/permalinks/" } }, "aggs": { "views": { "terms": { "field": "auth", "size": 0 } } } }, "extractors": { "Users": "$.aggregations.views.buckets[*].key", "Views": "$.aggregations.views.buckets[*].doc_count" } }
For more information on Elasticsearch, see the Query DSL documentation ↗.
datasource type is specific for Foundry services that have made their public API available for Slate developer usage. The services available may vary between Foundry instances, but commonly include the Build Service, Compass, or the Catalog Service.
For each service API added, the documentation for the API is displayed inline. Specific examples for payload types can often be found behind the Show Details toggle next to the request
input. These endpoints are secured differently than the plain HTTPJSON
datasource-type queries, therefore you do not need to {{jsonstringify}}
handlebar inputs.
If there is Foundry integration you would like to develop for your application, contact your Palantir representative.
Query partials allow you to write query code that can be reused in multiple queries in your document. To create a partial, click the + New Partial button in the Queries Editor panel.
You can insert a partial into a query by writing {{>partialName}}
. For example, say you have a partial named columnFilter
with the contents WHERE column={{param w8.selectedValue}}
. You can create another query with the code SELECT * from table {{>columnFilter}}
. This renders to the query SELECT * from table WHERE column={{param w8.selectedValue}}
You can also pass arguments to partials, with the syntax {{>partialName
arg1=value1 arg2=value2 arg3=value3}}
. The value of the arguments in the partial’s context will be replaced with the values you provide in a particular query. Values can be static values (such as strings or numbers), or Handlebars references (such as w8.selectedValue
). In the example above, if you had two queries that were exactly the same, except were filtered by two different selected values, you could redefine columnFilter
to be WHERE column={{param columnValue}}
, and the query to be SELECT * from table {{>columnFilter columnValue=w8.selectedValue}}
, which renders as SELECT * from table WHERE column={{param w8.selectedValue}}
, as before.
You can also nest partials, allowing for code-reuse inside code-reuse.
Partials are a Handlebars concept and the Slate implementation uses the Handlebars syntax. See the Handlebars partials documentation ↗ to learn more.
The query settings panel will allow you to control the circumstances under which your query runs. There are two options for running the query conditionally, you can choose all dependencies are not null
, which means that every single handlebars reference in the query must not be null
in order for it to run, or you can choose only run when this returns true:
which will allow you to specify a handlebars condition. This condition can be a reference to a function, widget property, or anything you would like to control the logic for when your query should be able to run. The query will only run if this handlebars reference evaluates to true – if not, the query will not be run.
The following query requires at least one value from
in order run.
If no values are present, the request to Postgres will fail with a syntax error.
Adding the condition to only run when all dependencies are not null will prevent known bad requests from being sent to Postgres, which otherwise consume connections and resources.
The following query fetches data used to populate a widget in a tabbed container. Let’s assume that the widget is not visible on page load but has dependencies on a set of page level filters. In this particular case, you might consider adding a condition to the query to only run when the widget is visible. This can be done using the only run when this returns true
option in the query settings.
You should only load data using the Object Set Builder in the Platform tab of Slate where possible. The Object Set Builder allows you to easily query the Ontology and will return data in a tabular format similar to the example shown below. The Postgres workflow explained below is retained as a reference for legacy usage.
Before following the steps below to sync your new data, verify that the Foundry Training and Resources Project
is available by browsing through the Projects view under Projects & files in the left sidebar.
If the project is available, follow the steps below, adding the flights
and airports
datasets from the Ontology Project: Aviation folder of the Foundry Reference Project to the new application. In the remaining tutorial steps, use the flights
dataset instead of the last-mile-flights
The flights
and airports
datasets in the Foundry Reference Project should already have a sync configured; if using these datasets, you can skip the related instruction section below.
If you are not using existing flights
and airports
datasets from the Foundry Reference Project, you must make the last-mile-flights
and airports
datasets you uploaded to Foundry available for use in Slate. Open the Datasets panel and select +Add to open the Foundry resource selector.
Navigate to the last-mile-flights
dataset by selecting All Files > Getting started data, or use the search box in resource selector. Once you locate the dataset, choose the Select last-mile-flights option to begin import configuration.
To view configuration options, select the arrow next to Sync to Postgres.
The default table name in Postgres will include the file path and mixed-case dataset name. To handle the special character /
, uppercase letters, and spaces, Postgres will treat the table name as a quoted identifier. This means that whenever the table is referenced in a query, you must include double quotes or Postgres will throw a syntax error. We recommend the inclusion of a Postgresql table name
in the setup that is snake case, lower case letters and _
to avoid the need for double quote usage.
Since the data access patterns have not yet been defined and the last-mile-flights
dataset is relatively small, we will not create any indexes on the table. You can always add these later. Select Apply and sync to start the sync. You can use the Check Status button to monitor the sync.
Once the sync is complete, you should see a sample query to use in Slate that looks similar to the following, though the number appended to your dataset name will be different:
SELECT * FROM "foundry_sync"."Getting Started Data/last-mile-flights-master-9406" LIMIT 10
Copy the query for later use as you build the application. Now, sync the airports
dataset to Slate.
First, create an SQL query to pull the required data from our synced dataset.
Select Queries to open the editor.
You should see a Queries list, a Partials list, and an editor. The lists will be empty as no queries have been created yet. Select + New query. The editor should now display a toolbar, a text editor, and a preview panel for query results.
In the Name textbox, enter q_allFlights
as the query name. Select the datasource that has the FOUNDRY
type as the data source from the Source dropdown to point Slate to our database. Note that this datasource may be called foundry-sync
, foundry-postgate
, foundry
, or a similar name, but will always have the FOUNDRY
type displayed to the right of the datasource name.
We recommend naming your queries to start with a query identifier like q_
, to make them easily identifiable. This best practice can be especially useful when building out larger, complex applications.
For this query, we want to pull in a few rows of data from the last-mile-flights
table in our database. To do this, we can use the sample query we copied earlier in the editor:
SELECT * FROM "foundry_sync"."Getting Started Data/last-mile-flights-master-9406" LIMIT 10
The queries we use as examples below will use "variable" as a stand-in for the specific table name. For example, rather than "foundry_sync"."Getting started data/last-mile-flights-master-9406"
, you will see "foundry_sync"."{{v_flightTable}}"
We can test whether the query works by selecting Test, or by using Ctrl+Enter
on Windows or Cmd+Enter
on macOS. This populates the Preview panel with the results of the query.
If you get an error, make sure that you made last-mile-flights
available in Slate and that you are using the correct path.
Select Update Query to save the query.
You can view the results in the raw JSON response structure by selecting < / >.
Since our dataset has a lot of columns, refine the query to only pull in a few columns of interest:
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SELECT flight_id, carrier_code, tail_num, origin, dest, dep_ts_utc, arr_ts_utc, distance, actual_elapsed_time FROM "foundry_sync"."{{v_flightTable}}" LIMIT 10