The page lists all available events and actions in Slate at the query, function, variable, widget, and application levels. Learn how to configure and use these events and actions in our additional documentation.
Global events are events that occur at the application level and are not specific to individual components or queries.
The slate.ready
event triggers once the page framework is loaded and queries have begun to run. Any actions you wish to trigger immediately on page load (for example, firing some manual queries) should happen here.
The slate.resize
event triggers whenever the browser window is resized. If any widgets are sized based on the size of the browser window, they will also be resized. However, some widgets (such as Charts) have a redraw
action that you can trigger to ensure that widgets are redrawn to the correct size, even as the browser window size changes.
is triggered whenever a user navigates to the page to which the event is added.
is triggered whenever the user closes the printing modal that was previously opened with the slate.print
detects when the userStorage was updated with the slate.setUserStorage
action. This event is also supported if the user storage was updated through another browser tab or window.
is for Slate applications that live inside iframes in other applications, like Workshop. The slate.getMessage
event triggers whenever Slate receives a postMessage from the parent iframe of the form:
{ "target": "slate-parent-iframe-event", "message": <payload> }
The slate.getMessage
event is also triggered if a child window or parent window sends a postMessage that contains an object with the following target property set:
{ "target": "SLATE_MESSAGING_SERVICE", ...<payload> }
The event will be triggered. Then, inside the JavaScript pane for this event, <payload>
will be available as {{slEventValue}}
so the data in the message can be used appropriately.
Messages sent to Slate can also perform actions, such as setting variables:
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{ "slateActionOption": { "type": "SET_VARIABLES", "payload": { "v_variable": 123 } } }
You can also run actions:
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{ "slateActionOption": { "type": "TRIGGER_ACTION", "payload": <payload for action> } }
is triggered whenever Slate receives a message from a BroadcastChannel
that Slate has opened. To open a BroadcastChannel
, use the slate.createBroadcastChannel
action. A channel will need to be opened before receiving a message.
The message payload will be available as {{slEventValue}}
, which has the following structure:
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{ "channel": "channel_name", "data": <payload> }
is triggered whenever the user closes a Checkpoint. It provides information about the Checkpoint that was closed, which is available as {{slEventValue}}
and has the following structure:
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{ "slateCheckpointId": string, "status": "cancelled" | "no-checkpoint" | "success", "interactionRid": string (optional - if Checkpoint was successful); }
is a user-defined string that identifies the Checkpoint. It is defined when using the slate.showCheckpoint
You can read more about Checkpoints in the Checkpoints documentation.
is triggered when a child window that was opened with the slate.redirectToUrl
global action, is closed. The window must have been assigned an id
using the windowSharingOptions
property when calling slate.redirectToUrl
, otherwise this event will not fire.
The message payload {{slEventValue}}
has the following structure, where id
is the ID of the closed window:
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{ "id": string | number }
Query events are events related to queries in Slate applications that are triggered when a query is completed or when a query fails to complete successfully due to reasons such as timeout, a badly formatted query, or some other server issue. Each query has its own instance of these events.
This event triggers whenever the query specified by QUERY_NAME
completes successfully. Each query has its own instance of this event.
This event triggers whenever the query specified by QUERY_NAME
fails to successfully complete, due to reasons such as timeout, a badly formatted query, or some other server issue. Each query has their own instance of this event.
Function events are events related to Slate functions execution. Each function has its own instance of these events.
This event triggers whenever the function specified by FUNCTION_NAME
has finished running. Each function has its own instance of this event.
Variable events are events related to Slate variables interaction. Each variable has its own instance of these events.
This event triggers whenever the variable specified by VARIABLE_NAME
has changed. The changed value will be available as {{slEventValue}}
. Each variable has its own instance of this event.
Widget events are triggers that are used to cause actions or activities within your Slate application. They can be used to create interactivity and automate processes within your application. Each widget has its own instance of these events.
This event triggers whenever the “Additional CSS Classes” property belonging to the specified widget's WIDGET_ID
is changed. This event triggers once the DOM is updated but before it is painted; this means means that if you are using CSS classes to change the size of different widgets, using this event to trigger redraw
actions on those widgets will work exactly as expected. Each widget has its own instance of this event.
This event triggers whenever a JavaScript transitioned
event happens from directly inside the widget specified by WIDGET_ID
. In this case, "directly" means not from a child widget; only one event is triggered per transitioned
. To be more specific, you can use CSS transitions to animate elements on the page, like having a sidebar slide in and out as opposed to popping up and out. Whenever one of these transitions completes, JavaScript will fire a transitioned
event that Slate captures and passes along. This way, you can trigger other changes to occur on the page when transitions complete, or prompt a resize
action on widgets that may have changed size.
Whenever this event is triggered, {{slEventValue}}
is a JavaScript object that holds the following properties:
: The amount of time the transition tookpropertyName
: The name of the property being animatedtargetId
: If the DOM element being animated had an ID property, it is available hereThese properties may be useful to discern specific transitions from others; make sure that your code is responding to the correct one. Each widget has its own instance of this event.
This event triggers whenever the INTERACTION_PROPERTY
property that belongs to the widget specified by WIDGET_ID
changes. The changed value will be available as {{slEventValue}}
. Note that this event is not available on every single property of each widget, but only on the “interaction properties" (meaning the properties of the widget that are changeable by user interaction, such as selectedValue
). Each widget interaction property has its own instance of this event.
Global actions control behavior changes at the application level such as page or window modifications, data exports and cross application messaging.
]The slate.navigateTo[page_name]
action will change the page in scope to page_name
and will also update the URL route to point to the target page. Shared variables will maintain their state across page changes.
The slate.scrollToId
action will scroll the page (and any other scrollable containers in the page) to the DOM element with a given ID (the ID returned in the JavaScript code in the events panel). This action can be used to scroll the page to specific elements programmatically or return to a remembered place in a scrollable table or list.
The slate.setWindowTitle
action allows you to rename the current browser window's title and update the tab name. Call the action and return a string to set the tab name. If this action is not called on page load, Slate defaults the tab title to the document name.
The slate.print
action will open the browser's print dialog to allow the user to select their printer options before printing.
The slate.downloadBlob
action allows you to download arbitrary data blobs while following Slate's export restrictions. To use this action, add a return statement as below:
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return { fileName: "my_file.txt", blob: new Blob(["Hello, world!"], { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8" }), };
An example use case is to download Excel files with conditional formatting by using a library like ExcelJS in the Functions tab and then send to slate.downloadBlob
for the user to download. For more information on Blobs, see the MDN web docs ↗.
The slate.exportWidget
action allows you to export widgets as a PNG or PDF file. To use this action, add a return statement as below:
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return { widgetId: "my_chart", exportType: "download", outputType: "png", fileName: "exported_chart", };
Using this event will trigger the slate.onExportWidget
event, which will have an slEventValue
: The ID of the widget that was exported.base64
: The base64 encoded string of the exported widget (either as PNG or PDF).Set the exportType
to eventOnly
to trigger the slate.onExportWidget
event without copying/downloading the file.
The slate.sendMessage
action is for Slate applications that live inside iframes in other applications. Specifically, this action will take the value it is passed (returned from the JavaScript code in the panel) and send a postMessage of the following form to the parent iframe:
{"source": "slate-parent-iframe-action", "message": <payload>}
The <payload>
is the value returned from the JavaScript code in the panel.
The slate.sendMessage
action can also be used to send messages to other windows, even when Slate does not live inside of an iframe.
For example, you can use the slate.redirectToUrl
to open a child window in a new tab or browser window, and set an ID for that window.
You can then send messages to a specific window using the slate.sendMessage
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return { "targetOptions": { "targetWindow": "child" | "opener" | "parent", "children": ["child-id1", "child-id2"] // (optional) }, "message": <payload> }
If the target window is set to child
, you can provide an array of the children window IDs that were set when using slate.redirectToUrl
. If this is not provided, all the child windows will have the message sent to them.
The targetWindow
for opener
and parent
will perform the postMessage to window.opener
and window.parent
The slate.createBroadcastChannel
action will create a BroadcastChannel
with the specified name. This channel can be used to send/receive messages to/from all broadcast channels with the same channel name.
To use this action, add a return statement as below:
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return { channel: "my_new_channel", };
For more information on BroadcastChannel, see the MDN web docs ↗.
The slate.closeBroadcastChannel
action will close and delete the BroadcastChannel
with the specified name. No messages will be received or sent if the channel is closed.
To use this action, add a return statement as below:
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return { channel: "channel_to_close", };
The slate.broadcastMessage
action will post a message to the broadcast channel with the specified name. A channel will need to be opened with the slate.createBroadcastChannel
action before a message will be sent.
To use this action, add a return statement as below:
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return { channel: "my_channel", message: <payload> };
The slate.showCheckpoint
action will open a the specified Checkpoint modal. You can read more about Checkpoints in the Checkpoints documentation.
To use this action, add a return statement as below:
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return { slateCheckpointId: string; checkpointType: CheckpointTypeV1; primaryCheckpointedItemId?: { id: string; type: CheckpointedItemIdType; }; additionalCheckpointedItemIds?: { id: string; type: CheckpointedItemIdType; }[]; };
is a user-defined string that identifies the Checkpoint and is returned in the response of the onCloseCheckpoint
should be the Checkpoint type of the configured checkpoint. View the types of Checkpoint types.
Property | Type | Description |
widgetId | string | The ID of the widget (as shown in the widgets list) to export. |
exportType | "copy" | "download" | Download the widget as a file or save it to clipboard. |
outputType | "png" | "pdf" | Export the widget as a PNG or PDF file. |
fileName | string (optional) | The name of the downloaded file if exportType is "download" . |
The iframe
, code sandbox
, and multiselect box
widgets, as well as containers that contain any of the previously mentioned widgets, cannot be exported.
The slate.openAppsPortal
action will open the Applications Portal. You can specify the part of the Applications Portal you want to navigate to by optionally passing an argument. The argument must be of the following form:
Part of the Applications Portal | Argument |
No specification | No argument |
All applications | { type: "allResultsNavItem" } |
Platform applications | { type: "platformAppsNavItem" } |
Promoted apps | { type: "promotedAppsNavItem" } |
Platform applications with specified category | { type: "platformAppsCategoryNavItem", title: string } |
Promoted applications with specified collection | { type: "promotedAppsCollectionNavItem", title: string, rid: string } |
The slate.askAIPAssist
action will open the AIP Assist support tool. You can specify an optional prompt
string argument, which will be sent as the user's message in the AIP Assist chat. The prompt
can be derived from the current user's state in the application to allow for targeted questions to AIP Assist.
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return { "prompt": "How do I interact with widgets in Slate?" };
The slate.logout
action will open a browser dialog to confirm if the user wants to log out. If the user confirms, they will be logged out of Foundry.
The slate.copyToClipboard
action will copy the value returned from the JavaScript code in the panel to the user's clipboard.
The slate.redirectToUrl
Action will redirect the user to the URL passed to the Action.
We do not recommend using this Action with the slate.ready
event as doing so will redirect the user as soon as the page loads, making editing difficult. If your use case does require using the slate.redirectToUrl
action with the slate.ready
event, we recommend adding a query parameter to disable the Action.
Property | Type | Description |
url | string | The target URL of the redirect. |
target | string (optional) | The name of the browsing context the resource is being loaded into. Alias for the target parameter in . |
popup | boolean (optional) | Specifies whether the url should be opened in a popup window. |
windowSharingOptions | { id: string; } (optional) | Enables sending or receiving of postMessages from the child windows you open. The id property specifies a unique ID for the child. You can then communicate with this window using the slate.sendMessage action. |
For example, the following code will open a new tab for the specified website:
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return { "url": "", "target": "_blank" };
Query actions operate on a specific query or its result set. They enable application builders to run a query or export the query result set when a specific event is triggered.
This action will immediately run the query specified by QUERY_NAME
. This action works whether the query is manual or not. Each query has its own instance of this action.
will export the results of the query specified by QUERY_NAME
as an .xlsx file. It will run the query on the server, generate a file, and download it to the user’s computer. Each query has its own instance of this action.
The QUERY_NAME.export
action can be added as a trigger to an event from the Export on dropdown menu in the Queries tab.
By default, the file will be named QUERY_NAME.xlsx
. To change this, navigate to the Events tab and select QUERY_NAME.export
. You can then add a return statement to configure the file name. For example, return "january_data"
or return {fileName: "january_data"}
will download an .xlsx file called january_data.xlsx
. A valid file name should not be empty and must only contain letters, numbers, underscores, or spaces. If the file name in the return statement is invalid, the query's name will be used as the file name.
You can select the QUERY_NAME.exportXlsx
or QUERY_NAME.exportCsv
actions from the Actions dropdown menu in the Events tab. Then, you can add a return statement to change the file name to a valid file name.
These actions download the output of the query specified by QUERY_NAME
to the user's local machine. The result can either be downloaded as a CSV or Excel file. By default, the file will take on the query's name, although you can customize the name by returning an { fileName: <<custom_string>> }
object in the event.
Function actions operate on a specific function or its result set. They enable application builders to run a function or export the function result set when a specific event is triggered.
This action will immediately run the function specified by FUNCTION_NAME
. Each function has its own instance of this action.
will export the results of the function specified by FUNCTION_NAME
as an .xlsx file. It will run the function, send the results to the server, generate a file, and download it to the user’s computer. Each function has its own instance of this action.
action can be added as a trigger to an event from the Export on dropdown menu in the Functions tab.
By default, the file will be named FUNCTION_NAME.xlsx
. To change this, navigate to the Events tab and select FUNCTION_NAME.export
. You can then add a return statement to configure the file name. For example, return "january_data"
or return {fileName: "january_data"}
will download an .xlsx file called january_data.xlsx
. A valid file name should not be empty and must only contain letters, numbers, underscores, or spaces. If the file name in the return statement is invalid, the function's name will be used as the file name.
You can select the FUNCTION_NAME.exportXlsx
or FUNCTION_NAME.exportCsv
actions from the Actions dropdown menu in the Events tab. Then, you can add a return statement to change the file name to a valid file name.
For function export to work, the function must return an object where every property represents a column name and every property value is an array of equal length representing the value of each cell in the column. This means that if you are working with query results, you must delete the ._results
property from the query; this property is added by Slate to provide information on whether a query ran successfully, but it will block exports from a function.
Variable actions operate on a specific variable. They enable application builders to modify with the value of the variable when a specific event is triggered.
This action will set the variable specified by VARIABLE_NAME
to whatever value the action passed (the return value of the JavaScript code in the Action panel). Note that the old/current value of the variable will still be available as {{VARIABLE_NAME}}
, allowing you to use the previous value to determine what you will set the new value to. Each variable has its own instance of this action.