Bootstrap a new Ontology SDK (OSDK) Java application

This page walks through the process of creating a Java application using the Ontology SDK (OSDK).

Create a Developer Console application

Before you can create a new Java application with the Ontology SDK (OSDK), you must first create a new Developer Console application page. This will set up your application's permissions and select what objects you want your Java application to use.

Set up a personal access token

Next, export your personal access token in your local environment. This is a token associated with your Palantir user or application that allows you to access Foundry resources through third-party applications and APIs. Below is an example using a sample personal access token, but you can generate a longer-lived one in the Developer Console.

Do not check this token into source control, as this can create a security vulnerability. For instance, you should not include your personal access token in a Git repository.


Confirm Java version

The Java OSDK requires a Java version between 17 and 21. To check what version of Java you are using, run the command below and upgrade Java if necessary.

1 java --version

Install the latest version of OSDK

Add the following repository and dependency to your build.gradle file (or equivalent, if you are using a different build tool) in order to install the latest version of the SDK. Replace any < > with your application-specific value as found on your application Overview page in the Developer Console.

repositories {
    maven {
        credentials {
            username ''
            password System.getenv('FOUNDRY_TOKEN')
        url 'https://<APPLICATION-URL>'

    maven {
        credentials {
            username ''
            password System.getenv('FOUNDRY_TOKEN')
        url 'https://<GENERATOR-URL>'

dependencies {
    implementation '<YOUR-PACKAGE-NAME>'

Develop your Java application

In your application, initialize the Foundry client and start developing. If you need to create a service user to host a backend application, a typical use case for integrating the Java SDK into an existing Java service, refer to the guide on obtaining the required OAuth information.

Initialize a Foundry Client with a user token

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 import <PACKAGE-NAME>.FoundryClient; import <PACKAGE-NAME>.objects.Aircraft; import com.palantir.osdk.api.Auth; import com.palantir.osdk.api.UserTokenAuth; import com.palantir.osdk.internal.api.FoundryConnectionConfig; Auth auth = UserTokenAuth.builder().token(System.getenv("FOUNDRY_TOKEN")).build(); FoundryClient client = FoundryClient.builder() .auth(auth) .connectionConfig(FoundryConnectionConfig.builder() .foundryUri("<YOUR-FOUNDRY-URL>") .build()) .build(); System.out.println(client.ontology().objects().<ANY-OBJECT>.fetch(1));

Initialize a Foundry Client with OAuth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 import <PACKAGE-NAME>.FoundryClient; import <PACKAGE-NAME>.objects.Aircraft; import com.palantir.osdk.api.Auth; import com.palantir.osdk.api.UserTokenAuth; import com.palantir.osdk.internal.api.FoundryConnectionConfig; Auth auth = ConfidentialClientAuth.builder() .clientId("<YOUR-CLIENT-ID>") .clientSecret("<YOUR-SECURELY-STORED-CLIENT-SECRET>") .build(); FoundryClient client = FoundryClient.builder() .auth(auth) .connectionConfig(FoundryConnectionConfig.builder() .foundryUri("<YOUR-FOUNDRY-URL>") .build()) .build(); System.out.println(client.ontology().objects().<ANY-OBJECT>.fetch(1));