Menu bar configuration

The top bar of a workspace is known as the "menu bar". Switch to the Menu bar configuration tab in the workspace editing sidebar to configure the menu bar of a workspace. Options for customizing the menu bar include:

Menu Bar configuration tab

Anchored modules

You can configure the items that appear in the menu bar in the Anchored modules section. For ease of access, anchored modules in the menu bar will always be visible in Carbon. We strongly recommend restricting the set of anchored modules to items that are used in the daily workflow of your intended users.

Anchored modules

In order to add an element to the menu bar, select the Add an element button. This will open a pop-up prompting you to select a module type. Anchored modules can include the following:

  • Object views
  • Object sets/explorations
  • Object type explorations
  • Workshop modules
  • Quiver templates
  • Slate applications
  • The Search application

New-tab modules

The menu bar contains a + icon that enables launching applications or opening items in a new Carbon tab. You can configure the items that appear in this menu in the New-tab modules section. New-tab modules can be the same types of resources as anchored modules.

New-tab modules


The Carbon menu bar contains a notification icon for users to receive notifications. Not all notifications from Foundry will appear in the Carbon menu bar. Specifically, only notifications from the following applications and workflows will appear: