Configured automations can also be run for existing object sets. This is commonly used for backfill use cases, as well as verifying that automations are working as intended before initiating a wider release.
To manually execute an automation, first create a new automation, with effects defined as desired. Then, open the automation and navigate to the Execute tab.
When an automation is manually executed, configured effects for the automation in question will be triggered immediately (optionally for a set of user-defined objects, depending on the condition).
The execution window exposes a number of configurable parameters:
Specify object set: If the automation is an object set condition, an option to specify an input object set will be visible. This object set must contain objects of the same type as configured in the automation condition. Upon execution, all objects defined in this set will be considered to have triggered the automation, and will be passed into any effect that uses "New Object" parameters.
Batch size: The batch size parameter determines the number of objects in each execution. For example, if there are 1,000 objects in the defined object set, and the batch size is set to 100, 10 individual executions will take place (each with 100 objects in the set), scheduled 1 minute apart. Objects are partitioned in a nondeterministic, random ordering.
Parallelism: The parallelism parameter specifies how many batches should be run in parallel, with a higher number leading to faster execution.