Application state

The application state of an AIP Agent was previously called parameters.

You can configure multiple string or object set application variables on an AIP Agent to configure the application state. When an AIP Agent with application variables is embedded in the AIP Interactive widget in Workshop, the list of variables will appear. You can then map each application variable to a Workshop variable of the corresponding type to show outputs in other widgets.

Configure the application state in AIP Agent Studio

When setting up the application state of an AIP Agent, be sure to follow the requirements below:

  • Identify variables: Identify which variables the LLM should interact with. These might already exist in your workflow, such as a variable representing the user’s current selection, or be a new variable to which the LLM writes results.
  • Name and describe the variable: For each variable, write a description that explains its role. This description will be injected into the agent's prompt, providing context for the LLM on when to use it.
  • Update application variables: Variables can be configured to deterministically update with the output values from the object query tool, Functions, and Ontology context. When creating a variable, you can also add it to the update application variable tool to allow the agent to conditionally perform updates.
  • Set variable visibility: You can choose whether agents can see values by setting value visibility. We recommend only allowing agents to see values when necessary to decrease confusion.

An example of what the application state configuration panel might look like.

Application state can also be referenced in the user-defined System prompt in the Model tab using the slash command / on your keyboard.

An example of an application variable referenced in a prompt.

Application state can be tested using the Debug application state section. You can manually override the values of each variable, and the debug section will provide visual feedback when the agent updates a variable value.

An example of what the debug application state section might look like.

Configuration in Workshop

You will have the option to configure an agent's application variables in Workshop if an AIP Agent has been configured with an application state. Review our documentation on the AIP Interactive widget for more information.

Configure an AIP Agent's application variables to Workshop variables under the Agent application state section.