Upgrade Assistant notifications

Upgrade Assistant sends two different types of notifications: reminders and summary notifications. Notifications are only sent to users who have at least one assigned resource on a given upgrade.

Summary notifications

Summary notifications are sent at maximum of once per a month. The subject of a summary notification email is Your action is required for X upcoming changes. Summary notifications are intended to provide awareness of ongoing interventions. These notifications are sent to all users who have been assigned at least one resource on at least one ongoing intervention.

Screenshot of an example summary notification

Reminder notifications

Reminder notifications are specific to each upgrade and warn users that resources will break unless appropriate action is taken. By default, reminder notifications are sent more frequently as the due date for taking action approaches. These notifications are sent to all users who have at least one assigned, pending resource to action for the upgrade.

Reminder notification emails are typically titled "A change affecting X resources assigned to you and due on Y is coming soon".

Screenshot of an example reminder notification

New upgrade notification

New upgrade notification are sent only to Maintenance Operators. The subject of the email is User action is required for new upcoming changes. New upgrade notifications are intended to provide awareness of new upgrades that have recently been added to Upgrade Assistant. No specific action is required of Operators that receive these notifications.

Screenshot of an example new upgrade notification

Unsubscribing from notifications

If you no longer wish to receive notifications, you can unsubscribe from all further Upgrade Assistant notifications. We discourage unsubscribing as failing to meet remediation deadlines can disrupt workflows and cause problems with resources.

To unsubscribe from notification emails, follow the Manage email subscription link in a notification email or navigate to Settings > Notifications in Foundry, then make a selection for notification preference.

Unsubscribe interface for notifications