Ontology SDK unsupported types


The Ontology SDK generates client-side code for both TypeScript and Python packages; this code represents object types, action types, and functions from the Ontology. Not all data types are currently supported in the Ontology SDK; this page lists data types which are not yet supported in the Ontology SDK.

Object types: Unsupported property types

If you use an object type with a property of a type which is listed below, the code generator will skip that property and log the error.

Typescript SDK

The following Typescript SDK property types are unsupported:

  • Cipher
  • Markings
  • Media
  • Vectors

Python SDK

The following Python SDK property types are unsupported:

  • Time series properties
  • Cipher
  • Geohash
  • Geoshape
  • Marking
  • Media
  • Vector

Java SDK

The following Java SDK property types are unsupported:

  • Time series properties
  • Cipher
  • Marking
  • MarkingList
  • Media
  • Vector

Action types: Unsupported parameter types

If you use an action type with a parameter of a type mentioned below, the code generator will be unable to create your package. To resolve this, you must remove that action type from the SDK application until support is added for that type.

Python SDK

The following Python SDK parameter types are unsupported:

  • ObjectSet
  • Marking
  • MarkingList

Java SDK

The following Java SDK parameter types are unsupported:

  • Marking
  • MarkingList

Action types: Unsupported webhook types

Action types with webhooks that use OAuth 2.0 for authentication are not supported. This is because users would be unable to use these action types through the SDK application without first authorizing the outbound application through Foundry (for instance, by first calling the action in a Workshop application).

Functions: Unsupported input parameter types and output types

If you use a function with an input or an output of a type which is listed below, the code generator will fail to generate your package. To resolve this, you must remove that function from the SDK application until such support is added.

Typescript SDK

Function output types

The following Typescript SDK function output types are unsupported:

  • Principal
  • User
  • Notification
  • OntologyEdit
  • ClassificationMarking

Python SDK

Function input parameter types

The following Python SDK function input types are unsupported:

  • ObjectSet
  • AnonymousCustomType
  • ClassificationMarking
  • CustomType
  • GeoShape
  • Group
  • MandatoryControl
  • ModelGraph
  • Notification
  • OntologyEdit
  • Principal
  • Range
  • StringFunctionDateType_ThreeDimensionalAggregation
  • TimeSeries
  • TwoDimensionalAggregation
  • User

Function output types

The following Python SDK function output types are unsupported:

  • ObjectSet
  • AnonymousCustomType
  • ClassificationMarking
  • CustomType
  • GeoShape
  • Group
  • MandatoryControl
  • ModelGraph
  • Notification
  • OntologyEdit
  • Principal
  • Range
  • StringFunctionDateType_ThreeDimensionalAggregation
  • TimeSeries
  • TwoDimensionalAggregation
  • User

Java SDK

Function input parameter types

The following Java SDK function input types are unsupported:

  • AnonymousCustomType
  • ClassificationMarking
  • CustomType
  • GeoShape
  • Group
  • MandatoryControl
  • ModelGraph
  • Notification
  • OntologyEdit
  • Principal
  • Range
  • StringFunctionDateType_ThreeDimensionalAggregation
  • TimeSeries
  • TwoDimensionalAggregation
  • User

Function output types

The following Java SDK function output types are unsupported:

  • AnonymousCustomType
  • ClassificationMarking
  • CustomType
  • GeoShape
  • Group
  • MandatoryControl
  • ModelGraph
  • Notification
  • OntologyEdit
  • Principal
  • Range
  • StringFunctionDateType_ThreeDimensionalAggregation
  • TimeSeries
  • TwoDimensionalAggregation
  • User