What are the differences between standard Markdown and the syntax required for custom docs?

The most important differences from standard Markdown in the in-platform custom documentation are:

  • Page titles must be specified with the @ syntax (@name for overview.md or @title for non-overview pages), instead of an H1 header (#). Note that the actual filename and @title do not need to be the same.
  • All pages must be specified in the ordering.md file to be published successfully.
  • All pages must have a section annotation (for example, @concept or @howto).

Does in-platform custom documentation support changelogs?

No, changelogs for custom documentation are currently not supported.

Does custom documentation support branching?

You can work on branches in a documentation repository, but only the master branch is published to the in-platform custom documentation.

Why does Markdown formatting not display in a callout?

Since callouts are designated with HTML, Markdown formatting is not available between the <div> and </div> in the callout; for example, to bold text within a callout you should use the HTML syntax <strong>This is bold text.</strong> rather than the Markdown syntax **This is bold text.**