Interact with the Ontology


Code Workspaces support for Ontology SDK is in a beta state and may not be available in your enrollment. Contact Palantir Support if you would like to enable this feature.

Restricted View-backed Ontology entities and query functions are not yet supported in Code Workspaces.

Code Workspaces supports interacting with the Ontology using object, link and action types in JupyterLab® and RStudio®.

Creating a new Ontology SDK

To create a new Ontology SDK in Code Workspaces, first navigate to the Ontology side panel. Each Code Workspace can have one SDK, and multiple versions of each SDK can be created. From the Ontology side panel, select Create new SDK to open the SDK configuration form.

Ontology side panel landing screen

New Ontology SDKs require a package name and an associated Ontology. The package name is used to determine how your SDK is accessed in code: versions of an SDK with a package name of example would be importable under the library name example_sdk. SDK package names can only contain letters, numbers and hyphens, and cannot end with a hyphen. Once published, SDK package names cannot be changed.

After configuring your SDK, select Save selection to continue.

Ontology side panel SDK configuration form

Selecting data entities

The Ontology side panel contains two tabs: Data entities and SDK generation.

  • The Data entities tab is used to import object and action types from your Ontology.
  • The SDK generation tab is used to inspect and install SDK versions.

To select data entities, navigate to the Data entities tab. Select Add and choose the desired data entity type to open a resource selector dialog which enables browsing for and selecting data entities. After selecting data entities, your selection can be saved using the Save button at the bottom of the side panel. After selecting Save, a new SDK version will be generated with access to the selected data entities.

"Data entities" tab of the Ontology side panel

When selecting action types that affect object types or have object types as parameters, those object types will also be added to the selection automatically. If any selected object types have backing data sources which have not yet been imported into the project scope of your Code Workspace, you will also be prompted to confirm the automatic import of these data sources.

Dialog for confirming import of backing data sources

Changing the selected Ontology

To import Ontology entities from a different Ontology, use the Ontology selector found in the Data entities tab. After selecting a different Ontology, select Save to apply changes and generate a new version. Changing the selected Ontology will reset the data scope of the SDK, clearing any selected object, action or link types.

Ontology selector in the data entities tab.

Publishing new Ontology SDK versions

Once configured, new Ontology SDK versions can be published using the Generate new version button found at the bottom of the Ontology side panel. Published and pending versions can be inspected through the SDK generation tab.

"SDK generation" tab of the Ontology side panel

After selecting Generate new version, the newly created version will be visible in the SDK generation tab. SDK versions are not usable until the status shows as “Published”.

Common reasons for publishing to fail include:

  • Using action types without importing dependent object types.
  • Using object types that have backing data sources which are not present in the project scope.

Publishing in progress for a newly created SDK version in the "SDK generation" tab of the Ontology side panel

Using Ontology SDK versions in code

Successfully published versions can be imported and used in code from within your editor. First, click on the card for the version you want to use within the SDK generation tab of the Ontology side panel. This will expand the card with several code snippets tailored to your editor’s language. Clicking on a snippet will add it to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into your editor.

The visible snippets will vary depending on your editor’s language. All supported languages have the “Install package” snippet which is used to install a version of your SDK and the “Initialize client” snippet which is used to import the SDK and initialize a Foundry client to interact with the Ontology.

Expanded snippets under a published SDK version in the "SDK generation" tab of the Ontology side panel

Using the Ontology SDK

After the Ontology SDK has been successfully published, follow the instructions to install and import the SDK. You can run the following the command:

!mamba install -y -q {sdk_package_name}

Next, the following code snippet is used to initialize the FoundryClient, which will enable you to start using the Ontology SDK.

from {sdk_package_name} import FoundryClient
client = FoundryClient()

Basic usage examples

Any imported object or link type can be selected in the Data entities tab to view usage examples for that specific resource. The following examples are longer, more general examples that demonstrate end-to-end OSDK usage in Code Workspaces.

Python OSDK usage example

The following example demonstrates how to interact with the OSDK using Python. This example assumes that the last successfully published version of your SDK includes object type "Aircraft" and action type "ActionMode". The term {sdk_package_name} in this example should be replaced with the package name of your SDK.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AircraftObject = client.ontology.objects.Aircraft # Retrieve an object and view properties my_aircraft = AircraftObject.get(1) my_aircraft.date_of_manufacture # Iterate over objects for aircraft in AircraftObject.take(2): print(aircraft.current_location) # Aggregations AircraftObject.aggregate({"min_id":, "max_id":, "aircraft_count": Aircraft.count()}).compute() # Filter my_a330s = AircraftObject.where((Aircraft.type == "A330") | ( == 160)).take(1) # Actions: Validate and apply import datetime from {sdk_package_name}.types import ActionMode action_validation = client.ontology.actions.change_manufacture_date({"mode": ActionMode.VALIDATION_ONLY}, aircraft=1, date_of_manufacture="2020-05-01") if action_validation.result == "VALID": client.ontology.actions.change_manufacture_date(aircraft=1, date_of_manufacture="2023-05-26")

R OSDK usage example

Code Workspaces supports OSDK in R via the reticulate ↗ package, which allows you to call Python from R.

This example demonstrates how to import a Python OSDK version into R and interact with an object type. This example assumes that your SDK includes an object type called "Aircraft". The term {sdk_package_name} should be replaced with the package name of your SDK.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 library(reticulate) osdk <- import("{sdk_package_name}") client <- osdk$FoundryClient() aircraft_object = client$ontology$objects$Aircraft # Retrieve 1 object aircraft_object$take(1L) # Retrieve object by ID aircraft_object$get("1")

As R and Python have different default numeric types, the L suffix has to be used within R when a Python API expects an integer. Learn more at the official documentation for reticulate. ↗

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