AIP Assist best practices

AIP Assist is an LLM-powered support tool that is versed in Palantir product documentation and related information. You can interact with AIP Assist to get help and support with the Foundry platform. AIP Assist has contextual awareness of which application you are in, but does not have access to any data or metadata that you are working with.

Best practices for interacting with AIP Assist

Here are some suggestions for improving your experience with AIP Assist:

  1. Be specific: When asking a question, try to be as specific as possible. Provide details about the product or feature you are inquiring about. This will help AIP Assist to understand your question better and give you a more accurate response.
  2. Ask clear questions: Avoid asking multiple questions in a single sentence. Instead, ask one question at a time to avoid confusion.
  3. Ask follow-up questions: If you do not understand the response from AIP Assist or need more information, ask additional questions to clarify the query. Try rephrasing your question to see if you receive a more accurate response.
  4. Use full sentences: Use full sentences when interacting with AIP Assist to provide more context about what precisely you would like answered.
  5. Provide examples: Provide examples about what you are looking for. AIP Assist responds better when shown specific format requirements.

Example questions for AIP Assist

You can get the best results from AIP by asking clear, focused questions with specific details. The following example questions are more likely to return useful and helpful responses from AIP Assist:

  • Focused question: How can I troubleshoot this error message “Could not solve for environment specs”?
  • Focused question: Can you explain how to configure time zone settings for Contour?
  • Focused question: Can you provide an example for how to write an Aggregate Function in Functions on Objects?
  • Focused question: How do I configure CSS styles in Slate?
  • Focused question: Can you write a Python transform that processes a column "id", that extracts the two character string preceding a dash? For example, "AB-02" should return "AB", "cd-1" should return "cd", and "123-MA" should not match.

The following example questions are less likely to return useful answers from AIP Assist due to their lack of specificity, clarity, or detail.

  • Unfocused question: This thing isn’t working, what’s wrong?
  • Unfocused question: What does this button do?
  • Unfocused question: How do I use this thing?
  • Unfocused question: How can I make this look better?
  • Unfocused question: Python extract 2 character string

Note: AIP feature availability is subject to change and may differ between customers.