Change width and height

The Foundry Reports application has been sunsetted, and legacy reports are now available as view-only. Refer to the Reports sunset announcement for further details.

Content in Foundry Reports is organized into rows, where each row contains at least one widget.

Change row width

Each row can be displayed with one of three widths:

  • Full. Fills 100% of the page width. Compresses down to 600px at minimum.
  • Medium. Displays at a width of 820px. Compresses down to 540px at minimum.
  • Narrow. Displays at a width of 570px. Compresses down to 540px at minimum.

By default, widgets added to a report will appear on their own row with a Medium width.

Change the width of one row

To change the width of a row:

  1. (If needed) Switch to Editing mode.
  2. Click the Layout Control button on the right side of the row.
  3. Click layout control button
  4. Select a new width (Narrow, Medium, or Full).
  5. Select narrow medium or full

Change the width of all content

As a convenience, you can also change all content in the report to Full width with one interaction. See Display all content in a report as full width for details.

Change row height

Most widgets can also be resized vertically. This is useful for resizing charts and other content that stretches to fill its available container.

Auto height

Widgets will size themselves automatically by default, choosing a reasonable initial height that varies according to the type of widget.

Some widgets will always adjust their size automatically to fit their content and cannot be manually resized. In particular:

Widgets added from other Foundry applications can typically be vertically resized.

Fixed height

Where permitted, changing the height of a row will “fix” the height to a value that may be different from the automatic value.

To manually adjust the height of a row:

  1. (If needed) Switch to Editing mode.

  2. Move your mouse cursor over the bottom edge of a widget or row of widgets.

  3. Click and hold on the Row Resize button if one appears.

    Row resize button

  4. Drag up or down to resize, then release the mouse.

    Row resize example

Display all content in a report as full width

You can resize individual rows in a report if needed (see Change the width and height of a row). However, some reports may contain many widgets that all look optimal at Full width. As a convenience, you can change all content in the report to Full width with one interaction.

To change an entire report to Full width:

  1. (If needed) Switch to Editing mode.

  2. Click the Settings button in the application header.

    Settings button in header

  3. Click Display as full-width in the menu that appears.

    Display as full-width