Change a parameter

The Foundry Reports application has been sunsetted, and legacy reports are now available as view-only. Refer to the Reports sunset announcement for further details.

Set a default parameter value in Editing mode

A parameter's default value is the value that the parameter will use when the report is opened.

To edit a default value for a parameter:

  1. (If needed) Switch to Editing mode.
  2. Select the gear icon next to the parameter in the parameters bar.
  3. Find the Default value field, and change the value as needed.
  4. Select Save.

Parameter settings

The new default value will replace any current value that might have been in place.

Change parameter values in Viewing mode

Changing a parameter value via the parameter's input field will override the default value with a current value. Current parameter values will generally revert to default values when the report is opened again. However, current values can be retained by storing them in the URL; see more below.

To change parameter values in a report:

  1. (If needed) Switch to Viewing mode.

  2. Input a new value for one or more parameters in the parameters bar.

  3. Click Apply to reload the report with the new parameter value. (This ensures that you can change multiple parameter values before beginning a potentially expensive reload.)

    Click Apply

Helpful tips

Keep current parameter values when re-opening a report

You may wish to refresh a report and keep the current values in place—or share a report with non-default values in place. Reports allows for this by appending parameter values to the report URL as you modify them.

For example, if you open a report, it may have the following URL initially:


Changing the value of a Month parameter to July (overwriting the parameter's default value) will automatically update the URL to the following:


Refreshing the page will now pre-populate the value July for the month parameter. This can save time when refreshing large, complex reports.

To show default parameter values when a report is opened, remove any trailing parameters in the URL (e.g. ?Month=July&Year=2019).

Click the Copy Link button in the parameters bar to copy a shareable URL that will load the report with exactly the same parameter values that you're currently using.

Copy link button